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Highlights for Brunettes

Tips to choose the right highlights for brunettes.
Puja Lalwani
Apart from your outfit, shoes, makeup, and accessories there are many other ways to enhance your look. Highlights are one of the most popular choices. If you are a brunette, you need to take care that the color you choose to dye your hair suits your age and personality perfectly.

Choosing Highlights for Your Dark Hair Color

>>Younger brunettes may decide to color their hair in wild and vibrant shades, such as red and blond. Cool options include drastic shades such as pink, purple, or blue. These are some great options for black hair too.
However, such wild shades also depend on the profession one may be in. For instance, a brunette in media will perhaps be able to do more justice to blue highlights than one who is a lawyer.
>>Hairstyles are another factor that decide the shade you may choose. Such vibrant colors look better on short or choppy hair rather than wavy locks or curly hair, and give it an exceptional, sassy look.
>>If you wish to get red highlights, you may choose one that has either a blond undertone (strawberry) or one that has a black undertone (cherry). These give the hair a third dimension without disrupting the natural appearance of the hair.
>>Those who prefer something more subtle, try shades like honey blond or auburn.
Such shades work well for those who have a hair length that goes beyond the shoulders, and also for lighter, as well as darker shades of brunette hair. These would look good on layered hairstyles, as these give the highlights a whole new appeal, thereby making them more prominent.
>>Depending on the age and profession, one may choose subtle tones such as caramel for dark brown hair, which provides an underlying yet noticeable contrast to the hair.
>>Another way to attain natural highlights is to comb lemon juice through the hair regularly, and then expose the hair to sunlight. Over time, the lemon juice will act as a natural bleach, and begin to highlight the hair in a manner that is subtle yet visible.
>>Brown highlights are also divided into lighter and darker shades, and therefore, are another good choice for those who wish to get subtle highlights. These give the necessary gradation to dark hair.
Once a color has been decided, it is important to keep in mind the thickness of each hair section. These should not exceed half an inch, else it fails to look natural and the entire look will appear patchy.
Opting for such a procedure in a salon is ideal, rather than doing it oneself, as any mistake can easily be repaired in a salon.
On the other hand, doing this procedure oneself with a kit, may lead one to choose the wrong shade, and ultimately result in a disastrous look that may make it difficult to live with. So under expert guidance, choose the right shade for yourself, and grant yourself the long desired makeover.