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Herbal Skin Care

Kashmira Lad
Skin is the largest organ in the human body and needs special care to keep it supple and healthy. Here are some tips on how to take care of your skin using only herbal products.
Today, most beauty products contain harmful chemicals that can cause damage to the skin. Herbal and organic products prove to be more safe and gentle on the skin.

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These products have essential oils, shea butter, aloe vera extracts, etc., which helps nourish the skin and give it a natural glow. You must also be aware to go in for reputed brands. Most herbal products may not really be herbal in nature. Here are some ingredients that you can use to make your own herbal product.

Herbal Scrub for Skin Care

Rolled oats (1 part)
Dried rose petals (1 part)
Cornmeal (1 part)
Sea salt (1 part)
Facial clay (2 parts)
Dried lavender (1 part)
Rosemary essential oil
Aloe Vera juice/extract
Grind the lavender, rose petals, and oats in a food processor. Then, add the cornmeal, sea salt, and facial clay to it and store it in an airtight jar. Use this preferably at night, after you have finished all your chores. Take a small spoonful of the scrub and mix it in the palm of one hand.
Add a drop of the rosemary oil and some aloe Vera juice to it. Gently wet your face with warm water and scrub your skin in a circular motion with this paste. Keep it for a few minutes and rinse with warm water.
To have natural bleach effect for your skin, mix milk and lemon juice together. Massage this on your face or body. It works as a natural and safe way as compared to the application of harmful chemicals on your skin.
Aloe Vera is a good moisturizer as it is highly beneficial for skin care. Gently cut a portion of the leaf or you can use the entire segment and set it aside for future use. Cut it open and scrape the gel. Use this on your skin. Smooth it out and leave it for few minutes. This also works well for hair as a natural homemade conditioner.
Yogurt can also make a good moisturizer especially for dry skin. Apply yogurt on the face evenly and smooth it all over. Leave it on for 20 minutes. Once done, wash this off with lukewarm water.
Ensure that you exercise for 30 minutes everyday and drink plenty of water. Avoid aerated drinks and try to de-stress yourself. Finding the right herbal products or the right treatment may take time; but this is definitely a safe way towards healthy and glowing skin.