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Hand Cream for Age Spots

Ashwini Kulkarni Sule
Our hands are often the first place where the signs of aging are seen. Read on for the information on how to find the best age-spot removal cream for your hands.
As people grow older, the rate at which skin cells slough remains the same, while the generating of new cells plummet drastically. As a result, the skin thins and becomes prone to damage.
Some people may notice dark patches on their arms and hands when they enter their forties or fifties. These dark patches are also called age spots, and may develop elsewhere on the body, as well.
When they appear on the face, they are often taken care of by various anti-aging face creams. However, most people tend to ignore the age spots on their hands. A good hand cream can always help you get rid of them easily.

Finding the Best Hand Cream

Most of us fumble when it comes to choosing a cream for age spots. Some are not even aware that such creams exist and continue to apply face/ body lotions to these dark patches. Such random skin creams do little to improve the appearance of age spots on the hands.
There are a wide variety of hand creams available today. Taking a look at the ingredient list is the first basic step when it comes to choosing the right age-spot removal cream.
These creams can be classified as those that contain synthetic ingredients, and those that contain completely organic or natural ingredients. They work at various levels to inhibit melanin production in the concerned area, diminishing the appearance of age spots.
Synthetic ingredients such as hydroquinone, are extremely hazardous and banned in some countries. Besides, applying harsh chemicals to the skin, may harm it. Some of these ingredients are known to increase melanin production, making the spots darker than they usually are.
Look for natural ingredients which are not only safe to use, but effective in reducing the appearance of age spots in no time, too. Functional keratin and extrapone nut grass, are two key ingredients which are found in any good-quality organic hand cream. The former promotes skin proliferation while the latter inhibits melanin production.
Shea butter with its immense moisturizing abilities is yet another beneficial ingredient in hand creams.
In addition, cyperus rotundus, which has traditionally been used to treat skin problems, is also a great ingredient that reduces age spots. Coenzyme Q10, an antioxidant with tremendous anti-aging properties, is another ingredient to look for in a hand cream. Natural hand creams are capable of producing results within 3 to 6 weeks of use.
Another thing to consider, is that the cost of the product has nothing to do with its quality. Cheap ones may also have the potential to lighten age spots. Besides, any cream with a good sun protection factor can be an added benefit.
It is anyway advisable to take good care of your hands by moisturizing them regularly to keep wrinkles and age spots at bay.