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Natural Hair Tinting Processes

Puja Lalwani
In this story you can learn about hair coloring treatment, and find out about some natural hair tinting processes. This will help you avoid any allergies or side effects.
Tinting is the same as coloring. The tint only works to replace the natural color of your hair, as against bleaching, that strips the color. This method is better if you want to lighten or darken your hair to a color similar to the original. For instance, if you want to go blond, a tint will work only if you have light brown hair.
This is because it has the capacity to alter natural color up to four shades lighter. In any case, if you wish to go for a tint, make sure your hair has not been recently bleached, or colored.
Tints work best when applied onto the natural hair. The chemicals contained in commercial products may cause certain side effects such as itching and rashes. To avoid these, you can try some of these natural techniques given here.

Techniques for Tinting Hair Naturally

You can opt for several colors even while going for a natural process. Remember, that even if this is a natural procedure, performing it on recently treated hair may alter the results. Instead, wait for about three weeks if your hair has been recently straightened, permed, or commercially tinted, before trying any of these tints.
Take a look at these various natural recipes for you to achieve the kind of color you desire.


While opting for henna, remember that henna can only give your hair a reddish tinge. Any other variant that claims to give you a dark brown or black color has been mixed with commercial colors to produce that effect.
This can have a negative effect on your hair. Pure henna on the other hand, in its natural form is a great conditioner, and gives the hair a great reddish tint (if you have brown hair), too.
  • Henna Powder (4 oz. for short hair, 6 oz. for medium length hair or 8 oz. for long hair)
  • Water Boiled with Tea Leaves, 3 cups
  • Olive Oil, 2 teaspoons
  • Egg Yolk, 1
1. Take the recommended amount of henna for your hair length, and put it in a non metallic bowl. Add to this the water boiled with tea leaves. This water should be boiling hot when added. Stir well.
2. Now add in the egg yolk and the olive oil, and blend well.
3. Let the mixture cool. Until then, wet your hair slightly. It should be damp and not soaking wet.
4. Take a dye brush and apply the mixture all over your hair. As you apply it to each section, start piling the hair on your head.
5. Cover your head with a plastic shower cap, and then with a towel. This will give the hair a stronger color.
6. Let it remain for a minimum of one hour, and then rinse under a tap and not a shower using any of the available hair tinting shampoos, followed by a conditioner.
7. Remember that henna is very tough to remove when it dries up, so you are going to have to give it a thorough wash so that it all comes out.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice acts as a natural bleaching agent, and is less harsh than those available commercially. It works as an agent for lightening hair over time when used regularly. Again, this will work for hair that is lighter, if you want a blond hair color. Dark hair will lighten considerably, but may not appear blond.
  • Water, 2 cups
  • Chamomile Flowers, 5 tablespoons
  • Fresh Lemon Juice, 2 teaspoons
1. Heat the water and bring it to a boil. Add to it the chamomile flowers. Now take the water off the heat, and let it rest till it cools.
2. Once cool, add the fresh lemon juice to the solution. Mix it together, and then strain the solution.
3. Follow your regular shampoo and conditioning routine. Finally, rinse your hair with the prepared lemon solution. Spread it evenly all over.


If you have a dark brown hair color, or any other shade of brown, using walnut shell powder will give your hair a bright tint. You may either purchase walnut shell powder available at any health store, or prepare your own powder by grinding small pieces of walnut shells.
  • Walnut Shell Powder (4 oz. for short hair, 6 oz. for medium length hair or 8 oz. for long hair)
  • Boiling Water, 3 cups
  • Avocado/Olive Oil, 1 tablespoon
  • Lemon Juice, 1 teaspoon

1. Prepare the walnut shell paste with boiling water, just as you would do for henna.
2. Allow it to rest for about 10-15 minutes, and add in the lemon juice and olive oil. Stir the mixture well.
3. Apply this mixture to damp hair, piling hair on top as you apply it to each section. Cover the hair with a plastic cap followed by a towel.
4. Rinse it off under a tap. Follow it up with your regular shampoo and conditioning routine.
While it is true that natural tints last for a shorter time than commercial ones, you are not prone to the many side effects of these commercial products. In fact, these natural products improve the quality of your hair along with giving it a tint. It is, therefore, always wiser to opt for a natural tint rather than a commercial one.
However, if you still think you want brighter and wackier colors, go ahead and give it a shot. Just remember to follow a thorough hair care procedure, if you want to keep your locks looking healthy and lustrous.