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Hair Straightening Tips

Mamta Mule
Do you have extremely curly and frizzy hair? Then, possibly you are fed up of styling them. Straightening hair can be a good option to be considered in this case. This is also a good option for those who want to don a trendy look. Follow these hair straightening tips and get set to flaunt a gorgeous new look...
Do you get irritated with your 'difficult to manage' locks? Is the daily hair grooming exercise a big challenge for you? Well, reasons for this might be many; like having extremely frizzy hair, curly hair or very dense and wavy hair. You might have also tried cutting them short for easy maintenance, irrespective of the fact that you love long hair. Alright, then for all of you who are eager to get rid of this problem, here's the good news. Learn how to straighten hair and forget those bad hair days! Here are some hair straightening tips, to help you have great looking locks which you will definitely adore.

Straightening Gel

This is one of the easy to use hair straighteners which is best suitable for wavy hair or slightly curly locks. Here are the tips to help you understand right way of using straightening gels.
  • First, clean your hair with regular shampoo followed by use of hair conditioner.
  • Once you are done with the washing process, wring a towel on your hair and leave it for 15 minutes.
  • Apply straightening gel on towel dried hair.
  • Now, blow dry your locks, section by section. Use a flat brush while you blow dry. You will take some time to master the exact process of blow drying hair to get a sleek look.
  • Once you are done, use a hair setting spray to keep your locks straight and non-frizzy. Hair straightening done using gels lasts till you wash them off. Even if you don't wash off the locks, the effect will last for not more than 3 - 4 days.

Straightening Iron

Straightening iron is a wonderful tool that offers a quick makeover for curly locks. It is essential to use the same carefully as wrong usage can lead to permanent hair damage. Also, using right iron is much essential to get the best results without any sort of hair damage. Here are some tips on choosing the right hair iron
  • Investing in a branded straightening iron is the best option.
  • Hair iron with ceramic plates is known to be least damaging and offer sleek and shiny finish.
  • Irons with adjustable temperature setting are a bonus. You will need to experiment with settings for the first few times so as to know the ideal temperature for your hair type.
  • Opt for an iron with narrow plates if you have short or medium length hair. Go for wider plates if your hair is long or thick.
  • Though highest temperature setting offers faster result, try using lower heat setting for fine hair and higher setting for thick locks.
  • Don't purchase a heavy piece which will simply lead to pain in your arms after a few minutes of usage.
Well, now that you can buy a perfect piece for grooming your hair, why not learn how to flat iron your tresses? So, here's the procedure to be followed to get straight hair using this heat styling tool
  • Give your hair a clean wash using a good shampoo. Also apply a conditioner, leave it for 4-5 minutes and thoroughly rinse off the same with lukewarm water.
  • Blow drying is a good idea if you have extremely curly locks. Blow drying strand of hair will tame them and make more manageable for the straightening procedure.
  • Applying a heat protection serum will help to keep your hair away from damage.
  • Take a section of hair aside and tie rest of it with claw clips. Start with the underneath layers.
  • Hold the iron as close as possible to the roots and slide it through the length of the hair. Maintain the same pressure from roots to ends. Follow this step with each section.

  • Once all the sections are done, brush them and checkout your fresh look in the mirror. This will last till you wash your hair the next time.

Chemical Hair Straightening

Chemical hair straightening usually lasts for about 5 - 6 months. The duration varies depending upon your hair texture and quality of products used. Buying a chemical hair straightening kit available in the market and do the following procedure at home to have straight and sleek tresses is a good idea. Here's how you can work with the same
  • Mix chemicals as mentioned in instructions leaflet provided with the kit
  • Place a towel around your neck to avoid skin irritation
  • Flat iron your locks to ensure that you have perfectly straightened hair
  • Now start applying straightening cream section by section. While you work on one section, keep rest of the hair tied above. Starting from the nape, work upwards
  • Apply straightening cream with a hair brush thoroughly to cover all sections of hair. You need to be fast while doing this; as hair becomes hard because of chemicals.
  • Once you cover all strands of hair with straightening cream, comb it straight downwards. Leave it on your hair for specified duration and then rinse off.
  • Rinse off the chemicals thoroughly and towel dry your hair, followed by blow drying.
  • Now apply the neutralizing cream all over your hair.
  • Rinse it off after 40-45 minutes using a specially designed shampoo for chemically straightened hair.
Follow this with application of smoothing conditioner or hair mask. Rise it using plain water after 5 minutes and get set to don a glamorous look.

Natural Ways of Hair Straightening

Natural ingredients are safest pick when it comes to styling and smoothing your locks. These might work slow but don't damage your hair in any way and also offer lasting results. Here are the details of various ways of straightening hair naturally. Let me tell you that you need to follow one of these regularly so as to get the desired results
  • Hot oil treatment is one of the most effective way of soothing the curly and wavy locks. All you need to do is take hot oil in a bowl and apply it all over your hair and scalp. Wrap a shower cap or hot towel on your oiled hair and leave it for 30 minutes before shampooing and conditioning.
  • Next popular ingredient for straightening hair naturally is milk. Yes milk works wonders on your hair and scalp making your hair soft and straight after repeated usage. First wash your hair thoroughly using a shampoo and dry well. Now pour milk in a spray bottle and spray it all over your locks nicely.
  • Coconut milk is an ultimate natural ingredient that is a hot favorite hair care product of most of the ladies. Take coconut milk in a bowl, add a spoon of lemon juice to it and mix well. Refrigerate this mixture for a few hours.
Now apply the creamy layer all over your locks. Once done wrap hair in a hot towel. You can also put on a shower cap and then take steam for a few minutes. Wash off your hair after 30 minutes using a mild shampoo to see the difference.
You can choose one of the above straightening procedures considering your requirements. Remember to take extra care after straightening hair. Invest in specially designed hair products. Use a good hair conditioner after each wash. Trim hair tips once in two months to prevent split ends. So ready to change your look with rightly styled locks?