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Hair Pack Recipes for Hair Fall Problem

Puja Lalwani
After trying all the over-the-counter treatment methods, it's now time to try a natural remedy that is effective and will prevent the hair loss problem you have been facing lately.
When we watch our crowning glory shed, it is most distressing, particularly when we try so hard to stop it and it still doesn't. Using all those products that claim to have your hair rejuvenated in no time, taking supplements to stop the hair fall and hair loss, and doing everything that your doctor tells you is probably not helping anymore.
In such a case, resorting to the use of natural products and remedies to treat hair fall may be a good idea. In fact, when you use hair packs containing natural products, not only does the hair fall reduce drastically, but even the quality of the hair improves manifold.
Your crowning glory that seemed to be fading is brought back to life and is in fact much more appealing than it used to be. Here, we have enlisted a few hair pack recipes for hair fall problem.

Recipes for Hair Packs

The reasons for hair fall may be many, ranging from a poor diet, to stress, and to a genetic predisposition towards hair loss. While the following recipes of natural hair masks will restore the lost nutrients in your scalp to give you great hair, it is also a good idea to start following a specific diet for healthy hair.
This diet should be rich in proteins and should include green leafy vegetables. Such a diet will ensure that these methods of treatment will work even better.
A hair pack for hair fall problem will usually be applied on the scalp as that is where the problem lies. Due to lack of nutrients or weak hair follicles, the hair becomes weak and starts falling. Applying a hair pack on the scalp will allow it to absorb the nutrients that are essential to stop hair loss and hair fall.
Olive and Almond Oil
One of the best natural hair loss remedies is to mix almond oil and olive oil in equal parts. Add a few drops of lemon to this mixture, and apply it on your scalp thoroughly.
If possible, lightly wrap your hair with a clean cloth or a shower cap, and allow the oil mixture to be absorbed by your scalp. Wash it off with a mild shampoo the next morning. Apply this at least twice a week.
Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek seeds are another great natural ingredient that help in stopping hair fall. Soak a tablespoon in water overnight. The next morning, make a paste of these seeds soaked in water.
Apply this paste on your scalp, and allow it to remain for about 30 minutes to 1 hour. Rinse it off with a mild shampoo. Try this remedy at least thrice a week. This is a great hair pack for dandruff which is one of the most common causes of hair fall.
Hair fall is also caused when the hair is dry and damaged and too weak to sustain itself. In such a case, you may use a hair pack for dry hair. Simply apply honey on all of your hair, and ensure that each hair strand is well-coated.
Cover your hair with a shower cap and allow your hair to absorb the mixture for about 15 minutes. Thereafter, rinse your hair with warm water and find your hair smoother and easier to manage. Just getting your hair to a manageable state will reduce your hair fall problem drastically.
Egg and Yogurt
Mix one egg white with one tablespoon of yogurt. If you have longer hair, you may require more of this mixture. Apply this mixture to your scalp and hair, and allow it to remain till it dries off completely.
Use a mild shampoo to wash your hair. It may leave behind a strong smell, but the hair fall will definitely reduce when you use this hair pack with egg regularly.
Indian Gooseberry and Egg
Indian gooseberry is another great ingredient meant to reduce hair fall. Simply mix the powder of this fruit with an egg white and apply it thoroughly on your scalp and hair. Allow it to remain for 30 minutes before washing it off with a mild shampoo. Regular use will give you gorgeous, desirable, and healthy hair.
Olive Oil and Honey
Another hair pack for healthy hair that utilizes honey and prevents hair fall is the one prepared with olive oil and cinnamon powder.
Add one teaspoon of cinnamon powder to a mixture of olive oil and honey in equal parts. Apply this mixture on your scalp and hair, and let it remain for about 15 minutes. Wash it off thoroughly with a herbal shampoo.
Always remember that for any hair fall treatment to work, you have to utilize and give it enough time. Natural remedies usually take longer than over-the-counter treatments to show results, but the results from the former are bound to be long-lasting.
Also, remember to supplement these remedies with an appropriate diet for healthy hair, and you will finally see your crowning glory shine and flourish.