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Hair Dye Removal

Buzzle Staff
Hair dyeing has been a great solution to hide your gray hair. Nevertheless, it is a great trouble when you think of removing those colors. Hair dye removal is a steady process done with patience.
Everyone wants to look young. The untimely graying of hair or graying due to age is a matter of concern for all. To get rid of them, hair dye is an easy solution. It gives a dramatic look to them and also, covers your gray hair. It is also being used by youngsters nowadays to give a different color to their hair. But, the trouble is removing these colors.


There are various colors available and the most popular is black or dark brown. But, one should be cautious of the fact that it is the most difficult color to be removed. Black looks great, but when it comes to removal, it is a tough task.
The reason behind it is that the pigment used in the black dye is highly saturated. As a result, it clings to your hair very strongly. The pigment penetrates into the hair shaft deeply.
So, if you are not planning to dye your hair soon and are keen in keeping them black, then black is the choice for you. But, if you are among those who want to give yourself a new look every day with awesome colors, then it is advisable to strike this color out from your list.


To start with removing black or any other dark shade of dye, you will have to first bleach the pigments of color that have actually clung to your hair. Bleaching your hair weakens them. In the process of bleaching, they have to actually pass through various stages of color from dark to light and finally, they turn white.
Take a small amount of bleach and add two tablespoons of shampoo to it. Stir properly. Now, apply this mixture on your hair and knead them; the color will disappear immediately.
If you are not the one who has always handled bleaching agents, it is advisable that you take help of a professional. Go to a salon and get rid of the color. These professionals will bleach your hair, and also condition them to treat those that have turned quite weak by bleaching.


There are a number of products that are available in the market these days to remove the color. However, before using one, make sure that you seek advice of a hair stylist, as many of them contain chemicals and damage hair in the long run.

Home Remedies

It is best to take refuge of homely treatments if you are not in a hurry. Applying hot oil on your scalp and shampooing will reduce the dye color and finally, the color will disappear in a few days.

Removing Stains

When you apply the dye, there is a great possibility that it stains your clothes, scalp, and skin. The stains are not very easy to remove. If you want to avoid the skin near your hairline to get stained, apply Vaseline on it before you start dyeing.
To remove stains of dark shades, you can use cigarette ash. Dipping the cotton balls in milk and applying them over the stained area can be beneficial in lightening such stains.