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Hair Care Tips as You Age

Here are five tips for taking care of your hair to keep it healthy and gorgeous as you age.
Mia Morales
“With age comes wisdom.” This is a popular saying about getting older. With age also comes may other changes. You start noticing lines and wrinkles around your eyes and mouth. Your skin begins to lose its elasticity and sag. You might start to notice spots of discoloration.
Your skin isn’t the only thing impacted by the aging process. Your hair is also affected. It might become drier or thinner. You may notice changes in texture. As you age, how you care for your hair should change. Here are five tips for taking care of your hair to keep it healthy and gorgeous.

Eat a Healthy Diet

A healthy, well-balanced diet is essential at any age. Eating well provides your body with important vitamins and minerals and can help you to lower your risk for a variety of health-related issues. Certain conditions can lead to white hair. Certain vitamin deficiencies, including B vitamins, vitamin D, and calcium, are one of these conditions.
Oxidative stress is another. Eating vitamin-rich foods and foods filled with antioxidants can help to stop the graying process and may even return color to your hair. Vitamins can aid in improving hair strength and health. If you can’t get the necessary nutrients from food, you can also add supplements to your diet to help.

Wash Your Hair Less

As you age, your body begins producing less natural oil, or sebum. This oil aids in keeping your skin and hair hydrated. As your body produces less, your skin (including the skin on your scalp) and your hair starts to become dry and brittle. Washing your hair strips the strands of natural oils your body produces. As a result, the risk of dryness increases.
To help maintain moisture, it’s recommended that you wash your hair less frequently. If you’re concerned about how your hair looks, you can always use a dry shampoo between washes to keep your locks looking fresh and clean. You can also help to increase moisture with conditioning treatments such as coconut oil.

Be Gentle

When your hair is dry and brittle, it’s much more susceptible to damage. Taking care of your hair requires a much gentler touch than you may have used in the past. When you wash your hair, avoid using very hot water. Be careful when wrapping your hair in a towel. You can even use a t-shirt instead as the material is easier on your hair.
Don’t brush your hair when it’s wet. Take care when you style your hair. Avoid harsh or aggressive techniques. If you choose to dye or otherwise treat your hair, be sure to stay away from those that contain harsh chemicals.

Use Lighter Products

There’s nothing wrong with using products to help keep your hairstyle in place. Certain styles can help to add volume to your hair, making it appear thicker and fuller. For aging hair, however, you should select light-hold products. Those that provide a strong or ultra-hold often contain alcohol which has a drying effect on your strands.

Get Regular Trims

Regular hair trims can help keep aging hair looking healthier. In general, trims are recommended every 6 to 8 weeks. The length you choose to keep your hair is completely up to you. For those dealing with thinning, shorter hair cuts (with regular trims) can help your hair to appear fuller. That’s not to say every aging adult should sport a short hairstyle.
If your hair is healthy enough, you can wear it long and still have it trimmed regularly. Speak to your hairstylist. He or she can help you to select a style that suits you and your hair, allowing you to have a look that you’re sure to love.
Just because your hair is changing, that doesn’t mean you have to accept it. Altering your hair care routine and continuing to give your hair the care it deserves can help you to keep your hair healthy and beautiful for years to come!