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French Braid Instructions

French braid is ideal for a bad hair day or a chic look. Here are some simple instructions for this hairdo.
Batul Nafisa Baxamusa
French braid is not as tough as it looks for styling. All you need is a little bit of patience and practice. It wouldn't be wrong to say that this hairdo is a life saver, especially when you are having a bad hair day.

Instructions for Making a French Braid

The following sections provide instructions to help you understand this braiding style. While braiding your hair, make sure that you pull the braids tight against your head, otherwise loose strands of hair will give you an unkempt, messy look.

How to French Braid Your Own Hair

First of all, comb your hair to make it tangle-free. Then, divide the hair into three small sections from the crown of the head.
➻ Hold the section on the right with the left hand, middle section between thumb and any other finger of either hand, and the left section in the left hand.
➻ Now, cross the section on the right over the middle section. Then, cross the section on the left over the middle section. The section on the right becomes the middle section after crossing over.
➻ Pull the braids tight, as loose sections will quickly come undone.
➻ Gather some additional hair from the right side of your head, and cross them to the middle section of your braid.
➻ Gather some additional hair from the left side of your head, and add it to the left section. Cross the left section with the middle section.
➻ Keep repeating the aforementioned steps till you gather and cross all the hair up to the nape of your head. You can complete the look by normally braiding the left over hair below the nape.
➻ Once you reach the end of your braid, secure the hair with a tight hair band.
➻ You can even use some dazzling hair accessories like hair pins and embellishments.

How to French Braid Hair for Someone Else

➻ Ask the person to sit down. Now, comb through the hair to detangle the hair.
Take a small section of hair from the front and crown, and pull it backwards. Separate the section into three parts and hold right section in your right hand, the left in your left hand, and the middle section between the thumb and finger of either hand.
➻ Now, cross the section in the right over the middle section. Thereafter, cross the section in the left over the middle section.
➻ Then, start braiding the hair. Gather some additional hair from the left and right side, as continue to braid. Make sure you gather equal number of strands from each side, or the braid will look lopsided.
➻ Make sure you pull the strands tightly. However, don't pull it so tightly that the person feels pain. If the braids are too loose, they would become undone soon.
➻ After reaching the end of the hair line at the nape, continue to braid the hair, as you would normally do. Once you reach the end of the hair, secure the French braid with a hair band.
After going through these step-by-step instructions, you would have understood that making a French braid is not that difficult a task. So, follow these instructions for styling your hair in this timeless hairstyle.