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Benefits of Flaxseed Oil For Hair

Fatty acids in flaxseed oil are beneficial for keeping the hair healthy.
Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
Consuming flaxseed oil regularly is needful to stay fit and healthy. With general health, it's hair benifits are noticed by hair experts.
This natural oil produced from seeds of flax plant is also known as linseed oil. In health food centers, flaxseed oil capsules, pills and liquid forms are available as add-ons.

Benefits of Flaxseed Oil for Hair

Before we delve into the benefits of flaxseed oil for hair, let's discuss the active ingredients present in this oil. Studies have found that flaxseed oil contains highest amount of omega-3 fatty acids. Other isolated nutrients are alpha-linoleic acid, omega-6 fatty acid, lignans, protein, vitamin, fiber, lecithin, potassium, magnesium and zinc.

Omega-3 and Other Essential Fatty Acids:

Approximately, 2.5 g of omega-3 essential fatty acid is present in one teaspoon of flaxseed oil. Believe it or not, the amount of this essential fatty acid extracted from flaxseed oil is 50 percent higher than that of fish oil.
The essential fatty acids that are present in flaxseed oil are crucial for all bodily systems, including heart, liver, eyes, skin, and hair. Coming to flaxseed oil benefits, they include promoting healthy growth of hair and treating brittle hair, dandruff, psoriasis of head, and other conditions.

Internal and External Nutrition:

Flaxseed oil and hair growth are often mentioned together. This plant-based oil loaded with essential fatty acids provides proper nutrition to individual hair strands, internally and externally.
Since nutrients crucial for hair growth are provided, healthy hair is guaranteed. One needs to follow proper hair care regimen, like frequent combing, shampooing, oiling and minimizing use of chemical based styling products.

Prevention of Hair and Skin Problems:

Some of the flaxseed oil benefits are effectual treatments of common hair problems and restoring normal hair growth. As per the opinions of dermatologists, low levels of omega-3 fatty acids are associated with excess dryness of hair, brittle hair, and spit ends. This can be solved by taking flaxseed oil supplements.
For skin diseases like psoriasis, hair problems related to eczema, using flaxseed oil is extremely helpful. The anti-inflammatory action of this natural oil treats skin problems, while the essential nutrients promote hair rejuvenation.

Flaxseed Oil for Hair Loss Due to Hormone Imbalance:

A prime concerning issue in both men and women is hair loss. The root causes of hair loss are attributed to poor diet, exposure to harsh chemicals (shampoos and hair styling agents), stress, hormonal fluctuations, and many other factors.
Hair loss in women (particular after childbirth) is basically caused due to abrupt change in hormonal levels. In such a case, taking flaxseed oil works well in addressing hormone related problems (lignans aid in regulating estrogen), and restoring normal hair growth.
You will come across hair gels that are based on flaxseed oil. With so many proven flaxseed benefits for hair, manufacturers of hair care products make use of flaxseed oil in their product formulations. Nevertheless, make a point to go through product reviews, and pick the one that has maximum satisfied customers.
As for taking flaxseed supplements, consulting a doctor is of utmost importance to avoid side effects (if any). Young children, pregnant women, and those who have underlying medical problems should not ingest these supplements without doctor's supervision.
Benefits of flaxseed oil on hair is a much talked about topic for dealing with dry hair, brittle hair, hair loss, and alike problems. In case, you are really impressed with the potency of flaxseed oil, try using it directly on your hair.
To reap maximum benefits, ensure that you purchase pure, non-adulterated flaxseed oil. If available, use natural oil extracted from organically grown flaxseed. Within a matter of few weeks, you will notice improvement in hair texture and thickness.
Disclaimer: The information provided here is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.