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Firming Loose Skin after Weight Loss

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
Loose or hanging skin is a common side effect that is manifested after shedding too many kilos within a short time. Firming loose skin after weight loss can be done effectively with certain home remedies or by means of therapeutic interventions.
Apart from an unsightly appearance, obesity is associated with certain health conditions. But, losing weight to a large extent is also not free from certain side effects, that can be both positive and negative.
Positive effects include reducing risk of obesity-related diseases, increasing stamina and one's self-esteem, while the negative side effects are hanging skin, stretch marks and eating disorders, which lead to malnutrition. Eating disorders are not observed in all the people; but in case it is observed, it can be combated by consulting a dietitian.
Among all the negative side effects, loose or hanging skin is the most annoying which requires special attention. It develops especially in the upper arms, abdomen and thighs as the skin stretched due to accumulated fats is not given enough time to tighten itself. Firming loose skin is possible by following certain effective methods.

Methods to Firm Hanging Skin

In order to tighten the sagging skin, you need to be very patient, and take some time out every day to groom the affected skin area.
Tautening loose skin in a natural way is always better as there are no long-term bad effects. The following is a list of the effective ways to tighten the sagging skin.

Tighten the Muscles

Muscles firming is a must to tighten skin after weight loss.
Seek advice from your personal physical trainer about aerobics, strength training and bodybuilding exercises to tighten loose skin. Follow the tips and you will notice improvements within a few months.

Check the Diet

Health of the skin depends on our diet and lifestyle. For skin rejuvenation, have healthy food regularly and make necessary dietary changes as per the dietitian's advice.
So, avoid excessive intake of caffeine and alcohol that dehydrate and worsen skin conditions.

Use Skin Firming Lotions

There are many cosmetic brands offering skin firming creams. Many are formulated with ingredients promoting collagen production to increase skin elasticity. You may have seen cheap products that promise to have effective results in lesser time. Never trust the promotional hype; rather, analyze the reviews and buy products having satisfactory consumers.

Surgical Procedure

Cosmetic surgery is the last option to get rid of loose skin. Any surgery has certain risks associated.
The same is with abdominoplasty, plastic surgery or any other surgical procedure. Know about pros and cons of the surgery and think before you choose to get operated.
Though skin possesses a natural ability to tighten on its own, it varies from person to person, depending upon age, elasticity and overall skin condition.
When supplemented with proper diet, exercise and skin care tips, you can speed up the process of tautening loose skin after losing weight.
Disclaimer: This information is for factual purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.