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Female Hair Loss Remedies

Smita Pandit
Stress, hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiency, genetic factors, preexisting medical conditions, excessive hair treatments involving the use of harsh chemicals, excessive use of hair dryers, curlers, straighteners, etc., could be some of the contributing factors for hair loss in women.
The problem of thinning hair or pattern baldness in women is not only a cause of cosmetic concern, it can also be indicative of an underlying health problem. Hair loss is medically referred to as alopecia. Many a time, hormonal fluctuations or genetic factors could lead to pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia.
Some women might also begin to experience hair problems during menopause. It is believed that the hair follicles develop sensitivity towards testosterone due to decreased estrogen levels. Dihydrotestosterone, a by-product of testosterone, weakens the hair follicles. DHT induces follicle miniaturization, which consequently leads to thinning hair.
Sometimes, hair growth could also be adversely affected due to pulling force or constant tension on hair due to certain hairstyles (braiding hair in cornrows). This condition is called traction alopecia. Sometimes, chemicals used in hair products might cause hair problems. Hair loss might be a side effect of medications such as antidepressants, birth control pills, or blood pressure pills.

Treatment Options

If you have been losing a lot of hair of late, you need to start thinking about effective solutions for this problem. You must also try out natural ways to promote hair growth and provide nourishment to your hair.

Get Rid of Stress

Stress can cause a hormonal imbalance and induce hair fall. If you are under too much stress, you could try some relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, or aromatherapy. Use of special oils in massage therapy also helps in promoting hair growth.
You could use oils such as jojoba, rosemary, lavender, or grapefruit for relieving stress. Massaging your scalp with these oils will help to some extent.

Healthy Diet

If your diet is not able to provide you with the required vitamins and minerals needed for hair growth, you need to change your dietary habits. You need to follow a diet rich in vitamin A, B, and E. Iron, zinc, and calcium are also essential for promoting hair growth. Taking nutritional supplements may help in treating the nutritional deficiencies.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Since hair may fall due to hormonal fluctuations during menopause transition, you could try hormone replacement therapy to promote hair growth. A dip in the levels of estrogen or progesterone can be corrected with the help of pills.
Thus, the hormones which are not produced by the body after menopause can be taken in the form of supplements. Before undergoing HRT, you must consult the doctor. Research has shown that HRT can have some side effects as well.

Hair Care Products

You need to be very careful about the hair products. Some shampoos can make your hair dry. The use of chemicals can affect your hair adversely. It is advisable to use mild shampoos that contain natural ingredients. In case, you have dandruff, you could use medicated shampoos.
Nizoral shampoo can be used to tackle the problem of dandruff. You could also massage sweet almond oil or jojoba oil to your scalp to improve the blood circulation and strengthen the roots. You could also mix cinnamon, honey, and olive oil and apply this paste on your scalp.
Leave it on for 15 minutes and wash it off. Applying arnica or aloe vera gel to the scalp will also help in promoting hair growth.
Women affected by severe hair fall seek medical help to ascertain the underlying cause of hair loss. They can also consult a trichologist for proper treatment.