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Faux Hawk Hairstyles for Women

Stephen Rampur
Many women like the Mohawk hairstyle, but it is not always possible for them to sport it. For such women, a faux hawk is the best option. Here is more about faux hawk hairstyles for women.
Styling hair is the best way to put forth your expressions and tell people about yourself. The best hairstyles for this purpose are the Voguish Mohawk and faux hawk from the punk rock scene. To understand what a faux hawk is, you need to first know about Mohawk.


It refers to trimming the hair on both sides of the head, and spiking up whatever is left at the top in a line at the center.
This hairstyle is mostly worn by punk rock enthusiasts and is especially famous among teenagers and young people. There are many celebrities who have also added up to the fame of Mohawks. A majority of the young people prefer to color this hairdo in red, pink, green, purple, blue or any other vibrant shade.

Faux Hawk

A faux hawk is a slightly different version of the conventional Mohawk haircut. The word faux means not genuine or real. Quite obviously, a faux hawk is a hairstyle that looks just like a Mohawk, but is actually not.
However, you actually shave off the sides of your head in a Mohawk, whereas in a faux hawk you simply spike up the hair without cutting it.
In a few cases, you might need to trim the hair a bit. The main advantage is that you can sport a faux hawk without cutting the hair very short, so you need not wait to let it grow back again for wearing a different hairstyle. This hairstyle was previously sported only by men, but looking at the advantages, women too are sporting it now.
Faux hawk suits any hair length. If worn on long hair, people may confuse it with punk-rock haircut as the top hair sweep over to the sides.
You can wear this hairstyle while going to a discotheque, and make a business hairstyle with the same hair while going to the office. So, it is just a matter of styling and there is no need to cut the hair.

How to Style a Faux Hawk

  1. Wash your hair thoroughly and let it dry completely. Drying it well will allow the hairstyling gel to hold hair properly.
  2. According to the hair length, take considerable amount of gel and apply it.
  3. Shape the top hair into a peak.
  4. After styling, use a hairspray to prevent the hair from falling flat.
  5. Set the hair on the sides in downward direction.
Mohawk and faux hawks have been sported by many well-known personalities like David Beckham, Rihanna, Pink, Miley Cyrus etc. So follow these steps and you are ready to rock the floor!