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Facial Scrub Recipe

Deeptee A
Natural home-made scrubs are beneficial for the skin as the ingredients in them are not just effective, but they also don't have any side-effects. Understand the needs of your skin and based on that concoct the best scrub for your face. This story helps you with some easy recipes. Check them out.
Scrubbing is a very important part of skin care. A body scrub or a facial scrub ensures that your skin is free from dead skin and dirt. It cleans the skin thoroughly on the inside and it is vital that you scrub your whole body at least once a month.
As your face is exposed to the outside atmosphere, it is natural that it gets affected and needs thorough facial skincare. A facial scrub is needed to clean your face of all the dirt, the pollution, and dead skin on the face.
It ensures that you have healthy skin which breathes, and that the natural moisture and glow of your face is not lost. Also, a it is essential to delay the aging process of the skin.
Our busy life hardly leaves us the time to go to the spa every now and then. Hence, here are some homemade scrub recipes that you can easily make and use. Choose the facial scrub that suits you the most and get ready for fresh and beautiful facial skin.
Coffee Scrub: After you are done making coffee in the morning, do not throw out the residue. Instead take some of this residue, mix some baby oil in it, and apply this scrub to your face and your neck. The coffee powder helps in skin exfoliation. Wash off with water, pat your face dry, and moisturize.
If you do not have any coffee residue but still wish to try out this scrub, grind some coffee beans and use it. Ensure that the ground coffee is not very rough else it will hurt your delicate skin.
Salt Scrub: Mix some rock salt with a little bit of almond oil and some rose oil. Apply it on the face and neck. Gently exfoliate your skin and wash off with water. The salt acts as a great exfoliating scrub. Pat dry and apply your regular moisturizer. Do not use table salt, as table salt can hurt your skin.
Fruit Scrub: Take some strawberries and crush them. Apply the crushed strawberries on your face and wash it off. You could add some orange peel powder or any other fruit powder to this mixture based on your skin type and its needs.
Shell Scrub: Nut shells like walnuts are used extensively in scrub products. If you have these shells, then grind them into a powder. Ensure that the granules are not rough and scaly. It may hurt your skin. Mix some milk or heavy cream into the powder and apply on the face and neck. Milk and nuts will help tighten the skin on the face. Wash it off, apply some skin toner and moisturize well with your face cream.
Nuts Scrub: Grind some soaked almonds and mix them up with some almond oil or olive oil. You could also use baby oil. Use this homemade scrub recipe to clean your face and neck. Wash it off and use your regular skin moisturizer to keep the skin soft.
Sugar Scrub: Take some brown sugar, add to it some ground oatmeal, and use almond oil to moisten it. Apply this mixture gently on your face with circular finger motions. Wash off with cold water and use a face cream to keep the skin soft.
Lemon Scrub: Lemon helps in skin whitening and helps to get rid of dark spots. Lemon also gives a nice clean look and makes the skin glow. For this recipe, mix a teaspoon of salt or sugar with a teaspoon of lemon juice. Add some more salt or sugar if needed. Apply the mixture on the face and neck area. Clean thoroughly, wash it off, and apply a face pack if needed. Remember to moisturize after washing it off.
Oatmeal Scrub: Oatmeal is a good natural exfoliating agent and can be used without any worries or concerns about cutting the skin. Take some oatmeal and grind it; ensure that it does not become a fine powder. Mix some honey and lemon juice with the ground oatmeal and use this mixture to scrub your face. Wash with cold water.
There are plenty such natural skin care products like aloe vera, different essential oils, and various fruits and vegetables that can be added in your own recipe. These recipes can be used extensively without worrying about any kind of side effects. However, do remember that it is not good to scrub your face daily; even with a mild scrub. Do it once or twice a week and bring a natural glow to your lovely face. Happy scrubbing!!!