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Face Whitening Creams

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
As the term goes, face whitening creams are formulated to reduce the melanin secretion so as to lighten up the skin tone. Analyzing the ingredient components is a must to do step while selecting the best creams for face whitening.
Natural skin color depends on the type and amount of skin pigment (melanin) secreted in an individual.
Even though environmental factors including sun exposure are responsible for changing the skin tone, it is mostly the genetic element that plays a major role in determining the natural skin color. And not all people are satisfied with their skin.
Hence, very fair people have a craze for tanning their skin, while those with a darker tone prefer using creams to lighten their skin color. Creams for face whitening are focused on giving flawless skin, lightening the skin tone, and clearing dark spots or skin blemishes (if any) by reducing excess melanin synthesis.
However with any brand, the concerning issue is the base ingredients used for the production of the particular face cream. Though some are based on botanical aspects, other creams use certain artificial chemicals, which may result in serious skin disorders. Let's discuss in brief about the creams formulated to lighten face.

Common Face Whitening Cream Ingredients

No doubt, very dark skin color and presence of blotches on the face make us feel self-conscious. But, it does not mean that you should apply any skin lightening cream in order to make your face look fairer and nicer. 
According to dermatologists, such face creams can prevent darkening of skin, but cannot alter the natural skin tone. Before applying them on your face, it is of utmost importance to understand the effects of the ingredient components present in such skin formulations. 

Here are some of the common ingredients used in face whitening creams and their effects.
Hydroquinone: Hydroquinone is one of the most preferred ingredients for formulation of face lightening creams. This chemical has proven to inhibit the effects of melanin, thus causing the skin to whiten from its natural color. But, the worse part is that hydroquinone is a skin irritant, and prolonged usage of the same can increase the chances of causing skin cancer.
Tretinoin: Another component used in the production of skin lightening lotions and creams is tretinoin, an acidic version of vitamin A. This chemical is usually added in combination with hydroquinone in a very low concentration. When applied under close supervision, it helps in lightening the skin tone. But, tretinoin makes the skin thinner and increases sensitivity to sunburn effects.
Plant Extracts: Majority of the whitening creams contain plant extracts like lemon juice, licorice extract, emblica extract, extrapone nutgrass, bearberry extract, fig extract, orange peel extract, and mulberry extract. All these extracts are shown to make the skin fair by reducing melanin production. Plant extracts are natural and safe, as long as they are used in a specific concentration.
Other Ingredients: In addition to the above active components, there are also other emulsifying and coloring ingredients present in the creams for face lightening. Some brands use synthetic preservatives and emulsifiers along with natural substances to serve the purpose of emulsification and coloration.

Selecting the Best Face Whitening Cream

Considering the fact that there are a large number of face lightening creams available in the market, selection of a particular brand is up to the user. Every company claims to give the best possible results at a cheaper price. Do not believe in the promos while buying these beauty products. Otherwise, you will end up purchasing a face whitening cream that contains hazardous chemicals like hydroquinone, mercury, steroids, and bleaching agents.
If you search for face whitening products, you will come across many such creams that are highlighted with offers and more discounts. In fact, it is a real dilemma to choose the best face whitening cream. An easy tip to shop for an effective cream is to visit the company's site and check the face whitening cream reviews.
You can get a glimpse about the consumers' opinion regarding the effectiveness of the cream. If there are many satisfied people, then you can trust the brand. Also, shop for the guaranteed products that have money back offers.
While creams for face lightening do work in making the skin look whiter (to some extent), the best approach is to follow facial skin care tips to flaunt a smooth and blemish free skin. If you really want to try it out, consult a dermatologist prior to selecting a face whitening cream. The skin doctor will examine your skin type and recommend a suitable product for you.