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How is Eyelash Perming Done

Kalpana Kumari
Here is some information on the basic eyelash perming procedure. It also tells you whether it is safe to undergo such a treatment.
Eyes with rolled eyelashes look wide and beautiful. Women, who are lucky to have such eyes, don't even need to put on mascara as their eyes remain highlighted all the time.
If you are not among such fortunate women, but wish to enjoy such a beauty for some time, you can avail one cosmetic treatment called eyelash perming. As a result of this treatment, your eyelash would get rolled and remain so for about 5–6 weeks.


The procedure of eyelash perming is quite simple. It is safe to get it done from a cosmetologist. He would begin the procedure by making you remove all the eye makeup, if you have applied any. He would ask you to wash your eyes with lukewarm water, and let it air dry completely.
Both these steps are necessary to prepare your eyes for this procedure. He would begin the actual perming process by applying a water-soluble glue to your eyelash.
He would use a mini eyelash curler to carefully roll your lash around it. He would ensure that your eyelash is evenly rolled along the roller.
He will mostly use a small rod if your eyelashes are short or if you want tighter curls. He would use a medium rod if you have medium-length and thick eyelashes, and want to have a good all-round curl. The cosmetologist would use a large rod in case you have long eyelashes and wish to have a loose curl.
He will ask you to close your eyes tightly for the next 20–25 minutes. He will then apply a perming solution to your eyelash and allow it to stay there for about 15 minutes. He will follow this step by applying a neutralizer and letting it stay there for about 15–20 minutes.
After the given time period is over, the cosmetologist will use a damp cotton to gently remove the roller. All the products mentioned come together in an eyelash perming kit. The result will be enhanced and curled eyelashes. Many cosmetologists prefer applying tint on the eyelash after the mini-roller is removed.

Is It Safe?

Our eyes are very sensitive; perhaps the most sensitive parts of our body. Sometimes, you may have noticed your eyes burning after you've applied bleach around them.
This goes to show that the eyes are not only affected by coming directly in contact with a product, but also when the product is used around them. Perming chemicals can lead to allergies, if they don't suit you.
Also, using chemicals on your eyelashes might reduce their life span, which is otherwise 5 months. Thus, it is always better to refrain from such treatments.
If you must have to give eyelash perming a shot, you should get it done from an experienced cosmetologist. He should have completed a training course from a well-known cosmetology institution and a certificate to show for it. Even then, it's a risk you'll be taking.