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Exfoliating Oily Skin

Mubasherin Sayed
How to exfoliate oily skin is a common query among the people having excessive oily skin. It is difficult to find the right kind of products to exfoliate oily skin.
Exfoliation is important for a well maintained and healthy skin. Our skin tissues get damaged due to many reasons like pollution, harmful cosmetics and unhealthy diet. Exfoliation helps in removing the outer layer of damaged skin making the skin smoother and supple.
Oily skin produces excessive oil which results in clogged skin pores. These clogged skin pores contain a wax like sticky substance called sebum which results in the formation of acne and blackheads specially, when exposed to dust or pollution. Thus, it is very necessary to exfoliate oily skin. Exfoliating results in oil control making the skin soft.
However, exfoliating can sometimes make oily skin dry, which results in more oil production. Thus, one needs to be careful while choosing products to exfoliate oily skin. How to exfoliate oily skin? There are many products like peels, scrubs, toners, masks, brushes and cleansers available in the market which are used to exfoliate oily skin. Let us see the procedure to exfoliate oily skin.

Procedure for Exfoliating Oily Skin

  • Wet your skin. You will need a body loofah, exfoliating gloves or scrubbing sponge to exfoliate oily skin.
  • Apply exfoliating cleanser on your skin or put in on the sponge. Exfoliating cleansers contain about 25 percent of volcanic rock which is beneficial for oily skin.
  • Scrub your skin with the exfoliating cleanser and the loofah or sponge. Do not rub your skin vigorously; make gentle circular movements.
  • Be careful while scrubbing the sensitive parts of your body. Rubbing your skin robustly can damage the skin tissues making your skin appear dull.
  • Wash your skin and apply a good moisturizer as your skin becomes a little dry after exfoliation. Moisturizer is very necessary even if your skin is oily as it helps in maintaining moisture balance and keeps your skin hydrated. You get many oil free moisturizers in the market which control the excessive oil production on your skin.
  • Be careful while choosing a body lotion. People with oily skin should give preference to non-comedogenic lotions which is specially made to control acne. You can also choose a lotion which is mild in petroleum, lanolin and mineral oils.
This is an effective procedure which tells you how to exfoliate oily skin.

Home Remedies for Exfoliating Face

You can make certain face masks at home which can be used for face exfoliation at home. These homemade natural skin care products can prove to be very beneficial for your skin and can prevent your skin from harmful chemicals found in over-the-counter products.

Egg Facial Mask

Take egg whites in a bowl and beat them until frothy. After beating the egg white, add two or three drops of lemon juice in the mixture. Lemon juice is very beneficial for preventing blackheads and acne.
Apply the mixture evenly over your face and neck. Leave it till it dries up and then wash it off with cold water. This will make your skin more fresh and lively. Your pores will tighten up decreasing the skin oil production.

Apple and Honey Mask

Take an apple and grate it. Take the grated apple in a bowl and mix it with honey until it forms a thick paste. Apply the paste evenly over your face and neck. Keep it for 10-15 minutes and wash it off with cold water.
Exfoliating oily skin is very essential to achieve the skin you always wanted that is, without the ugly blackheads and acne. Try these methods to exfoliate oily skin and get soft and hydrated skin.