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Dry Skin Rash Treatment

Bidisha Mukherjee
Dry skin rash is actually not a very serious problem, but it causes a lot of discomfort. The upcoming passages provide comprehensive information on dry skin rash treatment.
Dry skin rash is a very common occurrence amongst people of all age groups, right from infants to the elderly. Some tend to get it only during winters, and others may experience it throughout the year. It has some of the most annoying symptoms. The extreme dryness renders a tight feeling in the skin all the time and is accompanied by itchiness.
Initially, there may not be any visible signs of skin rash. However, later on, the skin gets inflamed and red rashes appear, which often cause a burning sensation. Sometimes, cracks that ooze out blood or a colorless fluid may develop on the skin's surface. All these symptoms make the skin look really very dull and unattractive.


Both internal and external factors can be responsible for this skin condition. Actually, this problem arises when the natural skin oil, produced by the oil glands, is stripped off and does not get replaced. This oil keeps the skin soft and supple.
When there isn't enough oil, the skin turns dry. Elderly people may develop it, because with increasing age, the production of natural oil decreases. In infants, this skin rash develops due to underdeveloped oil glands that do not produce sufficient oils.
Some people may have an extremely dry skin due to genetic reasons that trigger such rashes. Other underlying factors, like poor diet, thyroid disorder, diabetes, eczema, psoriasis, excessive intake of alcohol, and smoking can be responsible for this. External causes are cold and dry weather conditions, heat, excessive washing of skin and so on.

Treatment for Dry Skin Rash

Enlisted below are a few useful options:

Follow a Proper Diet

You need to make the skin healthy from within. For this, eat a healthy nutritious diet. To reduce skin inflammation, include cabbage, wheatgrass, spinach, and green tea in your daily diet. These foods help in reducing the inflammation to a large extent. Fresh fish and flax seeds are a great source of essential fatty acids that are good for improving the skin condition.

Keep your Body Hydrated

Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. When the body is hydrated, it will help in retaining a good amount of moisture in the skin. A hydrated skin, in turn, will reduce the feeling of skin tightness, and the rashes end up healing faster.

Take Nutritional Supplements

Supplements of vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids are highly beneficial for healing skin rashes. They reduce the dryness, and restore the natural elastic properties of the skin. Thus, the structure of the skin becomes strong and healthy making it less prone to damage.

Apply Hydrocortisone Cream

Use hydrocortisone cream when the skin turns red and causes a lot of irritation. This will not only provide a soothing relief from the itching sensation but will also have a healing effect on the cracked skin and swelling.

Protect the Skin

When you have skin rashes, then you must avoid all those external factors that can aggravate its symptoms. Use skin care products or cosmetics that have natural ingredients in order to minimize the exposure to chemicals.
Avoid direct exposure to sunlight, because the heat and light may harm the rashes. While going out, cover up the rashes under clothing to protect them from wind and pollution. Use a humidifier in your house to add moisture to the indoor air.

Home Remedies

Taking good care of the skin is an integral part of the treatment. Given below are a few helpful suggestions that can cure the problem and provide that much-needed relief:

Warm Oatmeal Bath

Add one cup of uncooked oatmeal to your daily bathwater, and soak your body in it. This will decrease skin irritation, restore the natural moisture of the skin, and the skin rashes will disappear on its own. However, do not use hot water, as the heat of the water takes away the natural oils from the skin. Also, bath only once a day and not more than that.

Skin Moisturizer

You must apply a good quality moisturizer soon after the shower when the skin is still damp. Ideally, moisturizers with natural ingredients, like beeswax and olive oil are best suited for skin irritation. You must avoid moisturizers that contain fragrance, chemicals, and other additives. Reapply the moisturizer at least 3 - 4 times in a day.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel works wonders on itching dry skin rash. Its natural healing properties heal the rash very quickly, and prevent any further spreading to other parts of the body. Its antiseptic qualities reduce the chances of secondary skin infections caused due to excessive skin scratching.

Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E oil can be used in many different ways. Mix half teaspoon of this oil, with equal amounts of glycerin, and a few drops of lime juice, and apply it on the skin rash. Alternatively, cod liver oil, that is rich in vitamin E, can be applied on the rash present on any part of the body.
A few skin creams and gels available, that are enriched with vitamin E, can also be used for the same purpose.
You should not try to diagnose a dry skin rash and take medicines on your own. If a change in diet, lifestyle, and skin care fails to bring about any improvement in the condition, then you must consult a dermatologist for further treatment.
There could be some underlying health factors, that require proper medicinal treatment, triggering this problem. Even skin disorders, like psoriasis, eczema, or rosacea cannot be treated at home.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.