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Dry Scalp Treatment

Bidisha Mukherjee
An effective dry scalp treatment is the one which can help you get back the healthy scalp as early as possible. For more knowledge on treatment for dry scalp, read this story.
Dry scalp is one such common scalp problem that can affect people of any age group, including babies. It makes the skin of the scalp flaky and itchy and causes a lot of discomfort. Some people suffer from this problem during the winter months. While others may get it after sitting for long hours in an air conditioned office in the summer months.
Some complain that they get dry scalp after flying. In all such cases, one thing is common and that is the atmospheric air is extremely dry. Dry scalp treatment should be started as early as possible or else it can give rise to split ends and cause extensive damage to the hair.

Dry Scalp Causes

There several factors that can lead to dry scalp condition. Dry air and over exposure to the sun are the most common causes that dissolve the protective natural oils from the scalp surface and make it dry. Excessive use of certain hair care products like hair sprays and gels can cause dryness of the scalp.
Even the use of shampoo has a drying effect on the scalp. These products have detergent and chemical components that strip off the natural oils from the scalp. Apart from these extrinsic factors, nutritional deficiency is another cause behind dry scalp.
Lack of enough fatty acids is specifically held responsible for this problem. Dehydration and intake of caffeine can also contribute towards this problem of dry scalp.

Dry Scalp Treatment at Home

When the dry scalp problem is mild to moderate, some home remedies can comfortably treat the problem. Here are some simple tips in this regard:
Use Oil Treatment: You can give a hot oil treatment to the dry scalp at home using olive oil. Take some oil in a container and place it in saucepan with hot water. When the oil is heated sufficiently, rub it gently over the scalp with your fingertips. Let the oil sit on your head for an hour and two and then rinse it off with lukewarm water and mild shampoo.
This is also an excellent treatment option for babies. Massage the baby's scalp with oil in circular motions. After 15-20 minutes, brush the scalp with a soft baby brush which will loosen up the flaky dry skin. Finally, wash the hair with a mild baby shampoo.
Keep the Scalp Clean: In order to keep the scalp clean, you have to shampoo your hair with right technique. Shampoo tends to strip off the natural moisture from the scalp. Hence, do not shampoo your hair daily. Rather, wash it as and when required. You can massage some table salt on your dry scalp to loosen the dead skin cells and clear the blocked pores.
Select a shampoo and a hair conditioner which is suitable for dry scalp. After shampooing the hair, the conditioner should be massaged gently on the scalp to moisturize it. For the final rinse of your hair, use a mixture of one cup of water and white vinegar. This will help to improve the hair texture as well.
Reduce Heat Exposure: Application of heat on the hair can worsen the dry scalp condition. Do not use hot water for showers, rather opt for lukewarm water. Try to dry your hair naturally. Avoid using hairstyling products like blow dryer and curling irons.
If you want to use blow dryer, then set the lowest heat for it. While going out during the daytime, make sure you cover your head with a hat and protect the scalp from sunburn.
Herbal Remedy: This can have a soothing sensation on an itchy dry scalp. Take about one-fourth cup of oatmeal and soak it in water for half an hour. Then strain the water in a bowl and add a few drops of lavender oil into it.
Steep some stalks of rosemary in water for 10 minutes and pour water into the liquid mixture. Apply this mixture of liquids on the scalp and leave it untouched for 10 minutes and then wash off. Learn more on .
All these home remedies should be accompanied by eating healthy foods which includes fresh fruits and vegetables. Vitamin E skin supplement can be taken after consulting a doctor which in turn will bring about improvement in overall skin health.
If the problem persists even after all these home treatments, then it is likely that it is some skin disorder like eczema or psoriasis. In that case, visit and doctor for further dry scalp treatment.