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Causes of Dry Red Skin

Nicks J
Poor nutrition, direct exposure to the sun for long periods and ignoring skin care advice are some of the most common causes of dry red skin.
Although dry red skin is a common phenomenon, it is extremely uncommon among Hollywood actors. One may argue that these people are gifted with beautiful skin. However, the fact is that these celebrities take proper care of their skin, which we often neglect.
Dry skin that loses its elasticity and looks flaky and cracked, may occur due to a number of reasons, but the primary contributory factors are lack of nutrition and proper skin care. The areas around the nose and eyes are the frequently affected sites with this type of skin problem.


Dry red skin on face can be quite frustrating as it makes the skin itchy and scaly. This skin problem occurs due to substantial loss of moisture from the skin. The factors that affect skin moisture levels are given below:
Malfunctioning of the Sebaceous Glands: As we all know, the sebaceous glands that lie underneath the skin are responsible for producing sebum (oil). This oily secretion does an important job of keeping the skin moist.
In other words, it lubricates the skin and protects it from becoming dry. However, over a period of time, these sebaceous glands may be unable to produce sebum in sufficient amounts. It is observed that with age, the glands lose their ability to generate sebum, enough to keep the moisture of the skin intact.
This insufficient production of sebum eventually makes the skin dry and itchy.
Overexposure to Sun: Going out in the hot sun exposes the skin to direct sunlight. Skin getting exposed to sun for long periods is bound to lose its moisture content, which can make it dry and flaky. Also, premature wrinkles start appearing as the skin becomes less elastic.
Skin Irritants: High amount of air pollution due to vehicular traffic is also one of the main causes of skin becoming dry and itchy. Studies have revealed that air pollutants considerably restrict the skin's ability to maintain normal moisture levels. This can turn the skin dry and extremely rough. Use of soaps that contain harsh chemicals can also irritate the skin and cause excessive dryness.
Climate: The winter season brings a multitude of skin woes, the most common being flaky, itchy skin. The harsh cold winds during winter can rob the skin of its moisture. As a result, the skin appears excessively dry, flaky and chapped.
Unhealthy Diet: A diet that is deficient in essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals can also trigger dryness in skin. In fact, dry skin is one of the symptoms of vitamin E deficiency.
Insufficient Water Intake: Adequate water intake is crucial to maintain healthy skin. So, if you are not drinking enough water and your fluid intake involves downing carbonated beverages, then there is no reason why you shouldn't suffer from dry, red skin. Soft drink habits, if not curtailed can dehydrate the skin and cause the skin cells to become dry and flaky.
Hot Shower: Long hot showers/bath may also be responsible for causing dry red skin. Hot water tends to deplete the skin of its natural moisture. To avoid skin from becoming dry, one should use lukewarm water when having a bath.


Apart from following a healthy diet, application of moisturizers is necessary to improve dry skin. Using the right moisturizer can nourish and rejuvenate the skin and bring back its natural glow. Applying natural skin care products that contain a high amount of vitamin E oil can be helpful to treat dryness in skin.
In order to protect the skin from harmful UV rays, using a sunscreen is recommended. Sunscreens with an SPF of 15 or higher are found to be effective to negate the adverse effects of UV exposure.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.