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Dry Face after Shower

Bidisha Mukherjee
Dry facial skin after shower is a common problem for women with dry skin. In most cases, it is a temporary condition and can be treated with proper skin-care regime. This story provides more information regarding the necessary measures to be taken to tackle the problem.
Dry skin on face after shower is a symptom of dry skin condition. The severity of dryness varies from person to person. It depends upon factors like age, climatic condition, exposure to sun, and overall health of the person.
The minor symptoms of facial dryness are tight feeling on the facial skin, dull and rough skin, appearance of wrinkles on the face, etc. When the skin becomes severely dry, then it starts peeling off and gives an itchy sensation. It may turn red and develop cracks as well.

How to Cure Dry Facial Skin after Shower?

The following home remedies may help make the dry facial skin supple and smooth:

Use Warm Water

A steamy, hot bath may give a relaxing effect on your body, but it is not at all good for your dry skin. The hot water takes away all the natural oils from the skin surface that hold moisture into the skin and makes it dry.
So, it is advisable to use lukewarm water for bathing. Moreover, you should not stay in shower for more than 10 minutes as this will lead to lesser dryness of the skin.

Avoid Harsh Soaps

The harsh chemicals that are present in the soaps, particularly in deodorant soaps and antibacterial soaps, are the main culprits for the dryness of facial skin after shower. Moreover, they can make the skin flaky and cause itching too.
Therefore, use such cleansers on your face that are soap-free. There are soaps available that are formulated, specifically for dry skin which have a gentle effect on the skin.

Blot Up the Water

After a shower, most women make the mistake of rubbing the towel vigorously all over the face in order to make it dry. This is a wrong method because rubbing the towel against the skin can strip off the essential oils present in the skin pores.
What you should do is gently pat the towel over your face so that the excess water gets absorbed into the towel from the skin surface.

Apply Moisturizer

Application of moisturizer immediately after having a bath is a very crucial step. This is because the moisture droplets left behind on the damp skin can be entrapped on the skin surface only with the help of a right kind of moisturizing lotion.
Apply a generous amount of the lotion to get the best effect. During the daytime, a light moisturizer is suitable while before going to bed a thicker and oily type of moisturizer is better.

Tips for Dry-Skin Care

Here are some vital tips for skin care that you should follow in order to get rid of the dryness from facial skin:
  • Exfoliate your dry skin twice a week to get rid of all dead-skin cells. This will help rejuvenate the dry skin. However, do not scrub it too much as it can cause irritation.
  • Sun exposure evaporates maximum amount of moisture from the skin and make it dry. Therefore, apply a sunscreen before going out in the sun to provide protection to the skin.
  • Selecting the right makeup for your dry skin is quite tough. Never use any talc-based make-up because the talc tends to absorb moisture from the surface of the skin. Rather, go for mineral make-up on dry skin.
  • Do not wash your face more than twice a day. If you are go for swimming, make sure you do not spend long hours in the swimming pool. This is because the water in the pools is heavily chlorinated, which is harmful for dry skin.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep your body in a hydrated condition. This in turn will help keep the skin in an lubricated state.
Facial skin, irrespective of its type, requires special care and attention in order to maintain a fresh and healthy look. Dryness of the face after shower is not a serious issue, and can be controlled if you can afford to give some time and effort in skin care, and give some gentle treatment to your delicate facial skin.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.