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Dermabrasion with Eggs

Dermabrasion is one of the most effective method to get rid of dead skin and dark spots. Dermabrasion with eggs helps in removing acne marks, pimple and scars.
Saptakee Sengupta
The texture of the skin deteriorates when there is a severe outbreak of acne. You will often notice formation of scars, ruddy marks, and freckles after the acne has disappeared. The ultimate outcome is rough and dry skin.
An effective treatment to get rid of acne scars is dermabrasion. It is a surgical procedure wherein the top layer of the skin is scraped by utilizing dermatological tools in order to render the skin smooth and supple.
Dermabrasion is highly sophisticated and is performed only by expert dermatologists. However, dermabrasion with eggs is quite different from cosmetic therapy and it is a natural remedy that can be tried easily at home.

How to Do Dermabrasion with Eggs

It is one of the most common techniques practiced at beauty salons to remove acne marks from skin. If you have noticed the skin present in the inner layer of the egg-shell, then you can utilize it for the purpose of scrubbing. Cover your face with the shell skin for 15 minutes and then peel off.
Dermabrasion also removes dirt and dust from the skin. When you peel the egg skin, it takes the dirt along with it. Reviews from people who have tried this procedure at home, have shown that dermabrasion has proven beneficial in eliminating acne and pimples. Since this procedure is purely natural, it doesn't cause any harm to the skin.
You can also prepare a homemade dermabrasion facial to get rid of acne marks, pimples and roughness of the skin. The technique implies scrubbing the skin regularly to remove the dead and decaying cells on the skin. The results will be similar to a cosmetic dermabrasion therapy.
Instead of employing a dermabrader, sanding machine or any other chemical peeling techniques, you can prepare a facial scrub to remove dead cells from the surface of your skin. The following combination will help you to obtain the desired results.
  • Combine one teaspoon of diatomaceous earth with egg white. Add half teaspoon of lemon juice and whole wheat powder to it. Form a paste by adjusting the consistency with rose-water. Apply the paste all over your face and scrub your skin in circular movements. Let it dry for 10 minutes and then rinse with cold water.
  • Make a powder by grinding oatmeal, wheat, and rice. This mixture is an excellent homemade dermabriaser. Now add egg white to the powder and form a smooth and thick paste, which is dry enough to act as an exfoliating agent. Scrub your face with this mixture and then let it dry. Wash with cold milk and then rinse with water.
  • You can peel with egg-shell skin and then go for a thorough massage with essential oils, like tea tree, sandalwood, and rosemary oil.
You can also buy a dermabrasion kit from cosmetic stores. The products are cream based and they contain micro crystals which aid in achieving the desired results.Addition of egg white improves the texture of your skin and the dead cells get removed gently.
Apply the pack with your hand in a circular motion so that the skin gets scrubbed properly. Moisturize your skin every time after rinsing the egg white pack.
Now that you know the benefits and advantages of using egg dermabrasion, you can try it at home. The technique is absolutely natural and you can avoid investing in a cosmetic surgery. However, if the acne is severe, then you must consult a dermatologist.