Having a comparatively dark upper lip can bring about a lot of embarrassment issues, especially in case of women. This story explains the causal factors behind this discoloration problem and also gives some effective home remedies for the same.
A sunblock is what you need! Sun exposure is one common cause for developing a shadow-like discoloration on the upper lip. You may try one or more remedies for the same, but a dedicated use of a good sunblock is what will make your efforts successful in the long run.
A lot of people are seen complaining of dark upper lips, a phenomenon that has suddenly developed and has become a cause of embarrassment to many. To add to it, many a time, even makeup fails to cover up these dark patches!
Most commonly seen among women between the age group of 20 to 40, it has started to become a serious matter of concern. While men can hide this flaw by growing a mustache or a stubble, women are constantly looking for remedies to solve this problem.
The darkening does not occur suddenly, rather it develops overtime and is noticed only when the skin turns evidently dusky. The possible causes include hormonal changes in the body which pave way for a condition known as melasma in women.
Here, women who are pregnant, or are on some contraceptives pills, or are taking some hormone replacement therapy (HRT), tend to experience skin discoloration and develop dark patches.
In addition to that, certain hair-removal methods such as plucking, threading, waxing, and using hair-removing creams, can result in darkening of upper lips due to the irritation caused to the skin.
Home Remedies for Eliminating Dark Upper Lip Before we give you some tried and tested remedies to lighten your upper lip, it is strictly recommended to get in touch with a trusted healthcare specialist to chalk out the possibilities of some serious medical reasons behind this symptom.
In females, a condition known as hirsutism is known to be one of the reasons of the dark appearance of the upper lip. In fact, in many cases, women think it is the skin, but actually, the darkening is because of the presence of hair.
People with a dusky skin tone are more prone to developing this form of discoloration than people with a fairer skin tone. Although there are a number of skin creams and ointments available commercially that claim to rid you of the problem, only a few of them are somewhat effective.
Certain dermatological procedures may also claim to help, but they are quite expensive and may not always yield the desired result. In this case, it will be wise to make use of a few home remedies.
Honey and Lemon Juice One of the most effective remedies for this purpose is to mix some honey and lime/lemon juice, and apply it on the affected area. Both lemon and lime are rich sources of citric acid, and do well in bleaching the skin. Whereas, honey is great for moisturizing the skin. Leave the mixture for 20 minutes and wash with lukewarm water.
Chickpea Flour and Milk Cream Chickpea flour, turmeric, honey, and milk cream―all these ingredients come together with their unique properties to your rescue! Take one teaspoon of all these ingredients and make a fine paste. Apply this on the darkened area. Leave for 20-30 minutes till completely dry. Rinse with plain water and pat dry.
Rice Powder and Yogurt Prepare an exfoliating scrub using a mixture of one teaspoon each of rice powder and yogurt. Use this to massage the upper lip twice daily for about three weeks or more, till you notice significant results.
Oatmeal and Lime Juice Take one tablespoon of oatmeal and add a teaspoon each of lime juice, yogurt, honey, and one egg white. Whisk the ingredients together and apply the mixture on the entire face. This will help remove the tan and will lighten the skin naturally.
Sugar and Olive Oil Exfoliate the darkened area once a week with a mixture of sugar crystals and extra virgin olive oil―one teaspoon each. This remedy will help remove dead skin and also replenish the area by keeping it soft and hydrated. You can also exfoliate your lips with this mixture for a healthy and supple look.
Almond and Honey Soak around 3-5 almonds overnight and blend it the next morning. Add a teaspoon of organic honey and apply the mixture on the desired area. Leave it on for about 35-40 minutes and rinse with cold water. You can also massage the area with almond oil, as it not only lightens but also moisturizes the skin.
Potato Juice Potato juice works great when it comes to reducing hyperpigmentation marks. Grate a potato and extract some fresh juice. Using your fingers, gently massage on the upper lip in circular motions. When the juice is absorbed by the skin, repeat the application, and continue this process for about 30 minutes. Rinse with cold water and pat dry.
Cucumber Juice and Lime Juice Cucumber slices are a popular choice for treating dark circles because of their natural bleaching properties. Well, try using a mixture of cucumber and lime juice (you can use tomato juice as well), and gently massage the pigmented area for 20 minutes. Rinse and pat dry.
Carrot Juice Carrots are loaded with vitamin A and antioxidants. These properties aid in eliminating the shadow-like tinge on the upper lip. Apply the juice daily with the help of your fingers, or a cotton ball. Keep for 20 minutes and then rinse with plain water. Daily application is advised.
Coriander Juice Blend some coriander leaves and a little amount of water in a mixture. Extract the juice of the leaves and apply it on the affected area. Leave for about 20 minutes and wash with plain water. Use this treatment daily to see results. Pomegranate and Beet Juice
Extract some pomegranate juice by grinding the seeds. Add a few drops of beet juice to it and apply on the upper lip. Wait for the coating to dry and then rinse off with lukewarm water. This will not only make the skin fairer, but also add a reddish hue and glow to it.
Consistent usage of these remedies can lighten the upper lip gradually, not instantaneously. You also need to determine the causal factors that may have triggered this problem. Note that the overuse of chemical-based skin products, alcohol consumption, and smoking can also lead to the development of dark upper lip.
If not treated in time, this problem may also spread to the lips. Consult a dermatologist for medical treatment and guidance, in case home remedies don't seem to help.
Disclaimer: This story is meant for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a replacement for expert advice.