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Dark Spots on Lips

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
Dark spots may appear on the lips due to prolonged smoking and high intake of caffeinated beverages. Read here the other causes, precaustions and home remedies to get rid of them.
Dark brown or black spots on the lips is a common issue among teens and older citizens. It is mostly contributed by eating habits, modern lifestyles and certain medications. Black or brown spots on lips affect the physical appearance notably, mostly for women. On the brighter side, women have an option of applying lipstick to hide the discoloration.

Causes of Dark Spots on the Lips

Dark pigmentation on lips can be caused due to several reasons, of which the most common is smoking (i.e nicotine) for a prolonged duration. That doesn't mean only smokers are prone to the condition, there are many people with other various reasons. To clear your doubts, following is a list of the probable causes of developing dark spots on the lips.
  • Deficiency of vitamin B and change in levels of hormones.
  • Habits like frequent lip licking and lip biting.
  • High intake of tea, coffee or other caffeinated hot beverages.
  • A significant rise in iron levels of the body.
  • Usage of specific brands of toothpaste and administration of certain lip medications.
  • Old lipsticks or other low-quality lip care products.
  • Similar to skin sunburn, lips may become dark, rough and dry after exposure to harsh rays of the sun.
  • Very rarely, dark spots on lips are developed due to improper dental fixtures.
  • During winter (as the atmospheric humidity drops down), dark spots may appear on lips due to lack of moisture in the lips.

Home Remedies

Unwanted spots on lips usually fade away with the regular lip caring tips.

Use Lip Balm

To avoid darkened patches associated with sun exposure (or sun spots), it is advisable to use a lip balm with recommended sun protective factor, whenever you step out of the home, especially on sunny days.

Avoid Hot Foods

Consuming hot food items is strictly not recommended for people who have dark lip spots. Allow the food to cool down properly and then eat. Otherwise, exposure of the affected lips to high temperature may exacerbate the color of the spots on lips.

Eliminate Tea and Coffee

This approach for treating lip spots at home is for those who have the habit of taking several cups tea and coffee daily. Excess intake of hot beverages is perhaps the root cause for the problem, stopping them will improve the condition.

Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking ample amount of water daily keeps body and lips hydrated, thus averting dry lips. Also, one should avoid licking of lips to avoid dry lips. Always remember that dry condition worsens the discoloration of the lips.

Lifestyle Changes

If the dark spots are a result of prolonged smoking or chewing tobacco, then best home remedy is to abstain from such habits. You will certainly notice significant improvement in the color of the lips over a period of time.

Apply Lemon Juice

Lemon juice, due to its natural bleaching ability, helps lighten the color of the prominent spots. For increased effectiveness, mix equal amounts of lemon juice and honey, and apply the mixture several times a day. By doing so, the lip discoloration will fade away within a few days.

Check Lip Care Product Labels

Speaking about lip care, extra efforts should be taken in order to get rid of dark lip spots. While using any lip products, make sure you use reliable brands and avoid expired products. Keep your lips soft and moisturized by applying thick cold creams, homemade lip gloss, or clarified butter.
If the spots do not fade away after following the tips, consult a qualified dermatologist. The doctor may conduct tests to check for any possible health problems causing the discoloration. If required, doctor may suggest laser therapy to restore normal lip color. Though, spots on lips rarely pose health risks, it is always better to be safe than sorry.
Disclaimer: This information is for general knowledge only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.