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Ways to Care for Your Damaged Hair

Rashida Khilawala
Damaged hair should not be taken for granted. This applies to women as well as men. Read on to know some basic tips on caring for damaged hair.
Everyone has bad hair days. However, for many, it becomes a regular feature, as their hair starts getting damaged due to the various treatments and other things that it is subjected to. When hair damage begins, the effects are visible immediately. Some basic steps need to be taken to bring it back to its normal health. Some of these steps are given here.
#1 Applying hair oil at least once a week, allows the hair to retain its moisture. Hair-loss can be prevented to some extent by oiling it at least 4 hours before washing.
Jojoba oil, coconut oil, and olive oil are great products for hair care. They are, in fact, effective home remedies for dry hair. In case of severely damaged hair, oiling it twice a week (4 hours prior to washing) is an effective treatment.
#2 Avoid washing hair on a daily basis, unless you are someone who has an active outdoor lifestyle. If your hair is clean, you do not need to clean it further.
This is because, shampooing everyday will strip the hair off its essential oils. This in turn causes dry hair, split-ends, and dandruff. Washing it once every 2 or 3 days is effective enough.
#3Like the skin, hair also needs to be hydrated. Use a mild shampoo and a rich conditioner for this purpose. The conditioner keeps it hydrated and protected. Opt for one which contains protein. Make sure that you rinse it completely off the hair, as residual conditioner can make the hair dull and unmanageable.
#4 Use a wide-toothed comb for combing your hair, as it avoids breakage, and gently untangles the knots. More so, avoid combing when the hair is wet, as it breaks very easily.
Allow it to dry naturally, instead of using hair dryers and straighteners, as far as possible. If you need to use a straightener, let the hair dry completely, first.
#5 Hair gets affected by the sun. Hence, if you are venturing out on a sunny day and will be outdoors for long, cover it with a hat or a scarf. Women should try to keep their hair tied at such times, as untied hair is affected by heat, wind, and sun, faster.
#6 Brush or comb your hair before washing it. This will keep it from tangling during the wash. Do not use very hot water, as it also dissolves the natural oils in the scalp, along with the impurities.
#7 Trim your hair every 8 to 10 weeks. Studies show that this helps curtail hair damage. Split-ends can also be avoided by doing this. Deep conditioning should be done on a bi-weekly basis (once in 2 weeks). This helps keep the hair healthy and good-looking.
Healthy and shiny hair automatically enhances a person's look. Hair can get damaged quite easily, but bringing it back to its original health takes some effort. Thus, taking proper care of it is very important.