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Cystic Acne on Chin

Loveleena Rajeev
Acne on chin can be quite painful, and the scars can add quite a blot to your woes. Read on to know what are its causes and remedies.
Cystic acne, also known as nodulocystic acne, is different from normal acne. It is not only the most painful form of acne, but also very severe in its exhibited symptoms. It is basically an acne that has developed into a cyst. A cyst is a closed sac with a membrane and some tissues, that get painfully inflamed. If left untreated, it can recur and may leave a scar behind.
Cystic acne can appear due to various reasons, hence, it is very difficult to determine its actual cause.
  • Hormonal changes
  • Hormone imbalance
  • Genetic disposition, heredity
  • Diet, especially foods that you are highly sensitive to
  • Prolonged use of certain medications
  • Stress plays role in aggravating acne and turning it into a cyst.
  • Harsh or greasy cosmetics too tend to add on to the aggravation.
  • Another common reason why an acne on chin can recur or spread is squeezing and/or opening the acne. This results in substances like bacteria, hair, oil, and pus being left deep within the tissue, causing recurrence of the problem.

A dermatologist will recommend a course of treatment or medication, depending upon the severity of cystic acne on the chin. When people develop acne on the face or neck, it not only causes them physical pain, but also emotional stress. Following are some of the treatment options available:

  • Surgical Drainage: Performed mostly by a dermatologist, this surgery involves opening the acne under sterile conditions and draining it completely. Chances of scarring are present under surgical drainage.
  • Intralesional Corticosteroid Injections: This treatment is usually given when medications fail to combat acne, and it is severely inflamed and close to a rupture. The dermatologist injects diluted corticosteroid directly into the cyst, passing the higher concentration of the medicine deep into a sub-epidermal part. This is done to speed up healing.
  • Antibiotics and Other Steroidal Oral Medications: Some of the common medications include tetracycline, oxycline, erythromycin, etc. Here the doctor may even prescribe some painkiller like ibuprofen. Another strong drug recommended for treatment is Isotretinoin.
It is a synthetic retinoid which is to be consumed orally. This drug comes with a long list of precautions, as it has some serious side effects.
Home Remedies
The most important thing to bear in mind while dealing with cystic acne is that never ever try to squeeze or prick it with hand. Squeezing an acne with hand will spread the bacteria causing more infection. A dermatologist will be the best person to help you deal with cystic acne, however, following are few simple home treatment one can try out.
  • Baking Soda and Sea Salt: Prepare a paste by dissolving baking soda and sea salt together. Once a week, apply this paste on and around the inflamed area.
  • Apple Toner: Apply fresh apple juice or apple cider vinegar to restore natural pH balance of the skin.
  • Aloe Vera: An application of aloe vera juice or sterile pure gel will promote healing.
  • Fresh Lime: Wash face with some lime juice mixed with boiled milk regularly.
  • Mango: A paste of fresh mango pulp and lemon juice will soften the skin around the cystic acne and open clogged pores.
Cystic acne on chin can get difficult to manage if one does not seek treatment. Besides, there is always a chance that a scar could be left behind. Therefore, one should immediately consult a dermatologist to avoid unnecessary spread of acne.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.