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Curlers You Can Sleep In

Azmin Taraporewala
Curlers You Can Sleep In
Looking out for comfortable hair curlers you can sleep in? Here are the types of curlers you could afford to mount on your head, and have your siesta plus peace, minus the pain! Curl up in your bed with these curlers for bouncy, and curly hair ...
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"You snug up in your window seat and cushions provide you with solace. Your posture personifies paramount comfort. Aah! The sun sinks, making way for the moon to step in. Your luscious locks are playing hop scotch with the tunes of the wind. Your hair resembles ropes of silk . . . "
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.. Oh ... oh! You wake up with a jerk as the morning alarm buzzes off to glory. You are up and about performing your daily chores. However, when you see yourself in the mirror the lost image of the dream returns to your senses, as though haunting you. So what is stopping you to get those gorgeous curls?
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Do I hear you exclaim with a sigh, "Time"? If time constraints are troubling you, and not allowing you to achieve curls of your dreams, here is an ultimate solution that is bound to work in your favor. You have an option to use curlers you can sleep in! Yes, you heard it right!

Rollers You can Sleep In

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There are many types of hair rollers that you could use. However, unfortunately, you cannot use all of them when you plan to sleep! Foam rollers, soft spike curlers, satin covered sponge curlers, steam curlers, plastic curlers, hot curlers, and Velcro curlers are the variety of curlers offered to you. Out of these, you could use the soft spike, and the satin-covered soft curlers.
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Soft Spike Hair Curlers

The soft spike hair rollers are equipped with a self-locking system. It has a self-locking loop, which aids in setting hair and helping them to restore their position even when you are fast asleep. They are suitable to handle all hair types. Whether you have wavy and thick hair, or straight and thin-textured strands, it is proficient in giving you the locks you desire.
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These are designed in such a manner that the moisture in the hair is retained. So you don't need to worry about your hair going dry, frizzy, and resembling hay! No hair breakage, as they are soft and smooth to sleep in. Isn't that a fillip!
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Satin-covered Sponge Curlers

Satin covered sponge rollers are ideal for all those who want tight and lovely curls the next morning. The only hitch in here is the retention of the rollers. However, with regular practice of rolling up your hair in these curlers will have you become proficient in the task. They are comfortable to sleep in. They do not steal moisture from your hair, keep them looking alimented, and adequately hydrated. This is yet another choice.

How to Sleep in Hair Curlers

Here are some steps that would help you acquire the desired curly-whirly look. Step up and read this section on how to use rollers when you sleep. You can't afford to miss this one!
Setting your hair in curlers demands freshly washed hair. Wash your hair as usual with a shampoo and conditioner. Towel your hair dry, and using a wide-toothed comb, untangle hair knots if any.
Once you are done, apply a leave-in serum or pomade, covering the hair shafts throughout. However, make sure that the hair pomade does not touch your roots or scalp, in particular; as this may result in your hair becoming oily, and sticky sooner than they ought to.
Now, roll up your hair in curlers. Make sure that your hair is damp when you are putting your hair up in rollers.
Pay attention to what I have just said - I have said "damp hair" is suitable, by which, I DO NOT mean "soaking wet hair". If you curl up your hair when they are wet, then you should be prepared to see a large section of your tresses accompanying the rollers. This is a sure-shot way to become follicly challenged!
When you are done setting your hair in the curler, you could resort to covering your head with a plastic head-gear or a shower cap. This will ensure that the hair soaks in, and retains the moisture; thus, doing this would give you tight curls.
For better comfort, you could tie a bandanna around the shower cap so that you are not disturbed by the crushing noise of the shower cap, every time you toss and twirl on your pillow while sleeping
Secure the bandana with hair pins or clips.
If you are uncomfortable, you could adjust your clips or pins slightly. You could now rest and have a good sleep. You are sure to wake up with tight curls.
With the technique and type of rollers you can sleep in, you are sure to have the curlers do a wonderful job overnight. However, if you find your hair being pulled and suffocated inside the shower cap, you could discontinue the use. Having a head full of hair is far better than having a head with scanty curls. . . . Don't you agree!