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Cosmetic Lip Tattooing - Everything You Wanted to Know About It

Andrew Russell
If you decide to go for this cosmetic treatment, make sure that you consult a cosmetologist who is best in this field.
Cosmetic lip tattoos are not just meant for celebrities and confined to the world of showbiz. You or anyone who prefers to look gorgeous can also do it. In this story, let us find out about this in details under the following sub-topics, namely
  1. A brief introduction to lip tattooing
  2. Benefits of lip tattoos
  • What to expect during the procedure?
  • What is the longevity of lip tattooing?

Let us take one sub-topic at a time in the paragraphs that follow.

  • A brief introduction to lip tattooing
Aslo known as lip contouring, lip blush, tattooed lip liner, lip tattooed is very much in vogue and is a trend that is here to stay.
What is it in the first place? With the help of a specialized tattoo machine, the cosmetologist will deposit the color you choose into the skin of the lip area. Unlike the traditional tattoo machines, the instruments used in these cases are ultra-fine, and there are specialized techniques to do the same.
The main aim is to make the contour of the lip look natural and perfect. It does not give the impression that you have gone under the knife.
  • Benefits of lip tattoos
Cosmetic lip tattoos not only makes your lips look natural, but you need not bother about your lipstick getting smudged or faded.
The procedure is best-suited if you want a subtle lip color. This is especially helpful for the ones that have uneven lips, or the contour is imperfect, or you have lost the natural color due to aging.
  • What to expect during the procedure?
Before undergoing this procedure, you have to attend a consultation session and clarify all.
Your queries and also get answers to questions that are causing stress or anxiety. Once the consultation is done, with the help of a pencil, your lips will be "pre-drawn," taking the necessary measurements. You will get to see a preview of how you will look once the procedure is carried out.
Unless you're fully satisfied with the preview look, the cosmetologist will not proceed. The process will usually take 45 minutes to an hour. The cosmetologist will make the lip area numb with the help of a cream. The ones who have undergone the pain usually say that traditional tattooing is much more painful than these permanent tattooing procedures.
However, it might feel a little scratchy and uncomfortable initially, which you will overcome in due course.
  • What is the longevity of lip tattooing?
The duration for which the color will last usually depends on several factors. The lifestyle of the person is one of the main ones.
Usually, it lasts for around 1 to 3 years, but the intensity of the color fades with time. If you decide to go for this cosmetic treatment, make sure that you consult a cosmetologist who is best in this field.