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Collagen Vitamins

Know more about whether the collagen vitamins work and the side effects associated with them.
Ishani Chatterjee Shukla
Collagen is a major and significant constituent of our body's muscle mass. The term collagen is collectively used to denote a group of naturally occurring proteins, much of which is found specifically in animals, especially mammals.
These proteins make up much of the connective tissues and fleshy matter of mammals and they are one of the most abundantly occurring proteins in them.
Be it the fibrous tendons, the elastic ligaments, skin, cartilage, bones, blood vessels, the gut, cornea, or the intervertebral disc, collagen is present in significant amounts in all of these constituents of the mammalian biology.
It is often extracted from animals to make products of commercial value. For instance, gelatin, which can be found in most households and is a key ingredient for making a number of desserts, is nothing other than hydrolyzed collagen.

What Are Collagen Vitamins?

They are those vitamins which either enhance the production of collagen in our body or lead to a stronger bond between the collagen fibers. In this context, there are two vitamins that play a vital role as catalysts to encourage collagen formation and regulate its synthesis and these are vitamin A and vitamin C.
Aforementioned, collagen is present in our skin and connective tissues. It is the content of the same that imparts elasticity and firmness. Those using anti-aging skin products like firming and anti-wrinkle creams, etc., must be aware that vitamin A or its derivatives such as retinoid are a major ingredient of these products.
This is because some research studies have shown that vitamin A and its derivatives act auxiliary to collagen by removing fine lines and wrinkles. Furthermore, they enhance the elasticity of collagen and act as a supplementary ally to the latter in accelerating its rate of production in the skin.
As such, vitamin A enhances the collagen's elastic property and imparts skin the right amount of firmness that it needs to look young without appearing too taut.
Vitamin C can be called the major collagen vitamin among the two. This is because it is an active co-factor in the synthesis of several collagen proteins. These synthesis reactions are what we see as the healing of wounds and the prevention of capillary bleeding.
It enhances the production of collagen and this leads to stronger connective tissues and muscular fibers. Stronger and abundant collagen in the system means faster regeneration of damaged tissues, lower instances of tissue damage, and healthier skin, bones, cartilage, cornea, and all other biological locations.

Do Collagen Vitamins Work?

The benefits of these vitamins can be seen in the form of improved skin texture, enhanced elasticity and reduced wrinkles, stronger joints, healthier teeth and gums, reduced skin disorders, a stronger immune system, better vision, and bone metabolism, etc.
It has been claimed by the marketers of such skin care products and supplements that the anti-oxidant properties of both these vitamins impart the anti-ageing effects that form the basis of the age-reversal properties.
However, there can be possible side effects associated with them which could result due to their excessive intake. These may include nausea, irritability, jaundice, anorexia, blurry vision, abdominal pain, muscular pain, headaches, drowsiness, weakness, indigestion, diarrhea, flushing, sleep disturbances, etc.
The bottom line is straight and simple - functions of different vitamins and what they do for your body depends upon the number of units consumed of the same, and whether such consumption is based upon actual biological requirement or not.
The intake of vitamins, and other nutritional and anti-aging supplements just for the sake of it, or just because you heard somewhere that it is good for you, may do more harm than good. The same applies to collagen vitamins and other similar products such as their creams, injections, pills, etc.
It is better to consult an expert before opting for products that promise youth and agility. Moreover, their unnecessary usage may cause damage and the risk is simply not worth it.
Disclaimer: This content is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.