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Benefits of Coconut Oil for the Skin

Sonia Nair
Oil extracted from coconuts is well-known for its culinary and therapeutic uses. Let us take a look at the benefits of this oil for skin.
Coconut oil has been used by people in the tropics since time immemorial. This oil is considered as one of the first plant oils used by human beings and has been an indispensable part of Ayurveda since the time of inception of this branch of alternative medicine.
According to the ancient texts of Ayurveda, this oil can be used for treating many medical conditions like jaundice, scabies, scurvy, sore throat, constipation, toothache and swelling. It is also beneficial for strengthening muscles, improving complexion and wound healing. Apart from its therapeutic properties, it has various cosmetic and culinary uses too.

Coconut Oil and Skin Care

Nowadays, commercial skin products are often used, as many lack awareness about the grace of natural products. But for natural skin care , you have many options. You may use honey, lemon juice, aloe vera, various fruits, milk, yogurt and grains, as per the demand and skin type (one must have a basic understanding about what to use for your skin condition).

Coconut oil is one versatile natural product that is believed to be good for skin and hair. Many commercial moisturizers and skin care products are water-based.Once applied, the water is absorbed by the tissues beneath the skin. This water inflates the tissues, filling up the wrinkles which makes the skin smoother and wrinkle-free for a short span of time.

As water gets absorbed in the blood, skin looks dry and wrinkles reappear. Almost all skin products contain some highly refined vegetable oil for skin repair. But these oils do not contain natural antioxidants, that enable the skin to fight wrinkles and aging. Hence, most of the commercial skin care products can give you temporary skin care satisfaction.

To understand the role of coconut oil for skin care, let us know the process of wrinkle formation. The skin is made up of connective tissues, which are responsible for its elasticity and smoothness.
In young people, these tissues are strong and with age, free radical attack breaks them down and the skin loses its elasticity as well as its strength.

It is observed that a free radical attack can lead to a chain of such reactions and therefore the skin loses its smoothness and develops wrinkles. This can be countered with the help of antioxidants, which can stop the chain reaction caused. The body must get sufficient antioxidants from the diet as refined vegetable oils do not contain natural antioxidants.

Benefits of Coconut Oil for Skin

By fighting the free radical attacks on the skin, coconut oil makes it smooth and supple, without wrinkles and blemishes. Hence, it is used as a skin moisturizer widely. It aids the skin in getting rid of dead cells and make it smooth and glossy. This oil can protect you from the blemishes caused by aging and sunlight exposure.
Apart from enhancing the appearance of the skin, coconut oil is also useful in curing acne, wounds, rashes, burns and skin inflammation. It is also believed that it can improve the complexion, apart from protecting the skin from getting dry and flaky. This is considered as one of the best massage oils.
Unlike mineral oils, which can sometimes cause side effects, it is found to be completely safe for massaging. Even though, there are three to four types of this oil available in the market, virgin coconut oil is the best for skin. If you want it completely natural, you may make coconut oil at home.
Owing to the benefits of coconut oil for skin care, many of the skin care products like soaps, lotions and creams, have this oil as one of the main ingredients. It is also used for treating skin problems like eczema and psoriasis. Apart from skin care, coconut oil is used for hair care too. You can use it for a young, healthy and glowing skin.