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Coarse Hair Treatment

Priya Johnson
Proper treatment is required to tame and manage extremely coarse and frizzy hair.
Coarse hair are rough in texture, break easily causing the thickness and volume of the hair to reduce drastically. Let's find out what can be done to improve this coarse hair condition.
Managing and taming coarse hair is not only challenging, but can also be quite frustrating and daunting. Coarse hair are prone to dryness and breakage and can make life really irksome for a person. The texture of the hair; be it silky soft or coarse depends on the size and shape of the hair follicle.
Genetics determines the size and shape of the hair follicle and is passed down through the genes. Those of us struggling with coarse hair have scores of questions regarding dry, coarse hair treatment, such as how to tame them, how to get them to grow, what kind of products would suit the hair, etc. Let's have a look at some solutions to these queries!

How to Treat Coarse Hair

While shampooing, one should massage the shampoo well into the hair roots and allow the lather to find its course to the ends. One should also apply conditioner, which helps smoothen the hair fibers and prevent them from drying and breaking. The conditioner should be applied midway and all the way to the hair tips.
Shampoos remove oil and moisture from hair; making them dry and frizzy.
To replenish natural oils, use moisturizers. Regular conditioning is needed. Use a comb to stimulate release of natural oils and evade the use of hair brush. Avoid blow drying coarse hair, as it roughens the hair texture.

How to Increase Hair Length

For coarse hair to grow, one has to trim one's hair regularly, at least once a month. Trimming helps get rid of the split ends and over processed ends, which cause the hair become frizzy. It also does away with the dead ends, thereby giving the hair a healthier look and also enhances the hair growth.
Each time you go out, it's important to protect your hair from sunlight and wind. Heat from the sun and blowing wind cause the hair to dry further, split and break. Thus, it is important to cover one's head with a scarf or cloth while one is outdoors.

Choice of Right Products

Television bombards advertisements of hair care products.
It creates a confusion about usefulness of hair products! While choosing products to condition and moisturize coarse hair, select the ones that are enriched with natural moisturizers.
These shampoos smoothen hair fibers and give it a sheen.
Use thick cream moisturizers with adequate amounts of vitamins for coarse hair. Avoid products with chemicals, alcohol, gels and hair sprays. Refrain from curlers and straighteners, as they damage the hair texture more.
A proper hair care routine comprising oiling, shampooing, moisturizing, conditioning, etc. should be carried out on a regular basis but with proper food and water intake. Any kind of hair treatment needs to be complemented with proper diet and water. Although one cannot achieve a silky, bouncy hairdo, one can definitely get one's frizzy hair look nicer!