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Clogged Pores

To avoid acne, practicing proper skin care regimen is advised, for a healthy, blemish free and glowy skin.
Marlene Alphonse
There are many tiny pores on the skin, which are actually outlets of sebaceous glands, also known as oil glands. The highest number of oil glands are found on the face, chest and back.
The face is the most exposed part of the body and it has to encounter many problems like pollution, dust, heat, etc. which result in the clogging of pores thus leading to the formation of acne. There are two types of clogged pores - blackheads and whiteheads. Blackheads are partially blocked pores that are usually filled with oils, makeup and dirt.
Whiteheads are a severe type and are completely clogged. They are embedded deep in the skin and cause cysts and nodules leading to severe acne. The area around the nose and skin are abundant in oil glands. So, a large number of pores are concentrated in these areas, especially on the nose.

Causative Factors

Dead cells from the skin are shed on a regular basis and replaced by new ones. This process is referred to as regeneration. Excess oil secreted by a hair follicle tends to collect dead cells, dirt, and other contaminants. When dirt, sweat and oil get accumulated in these pores, they result in clogging.
Obstructed or blocked pores are a common problem that give rise to acne and other undesirable skin conditions like milia, the benign keratin-filled cysts which appear under the skin (especially on the cheek, around the eyes, and nose) or on the roof of the mouth.
Blocked pores can appear on any part of the body, but are more prominent on the face. This condition can lead to pimples. Hereditary factors and hormonal imbalance are also be responsible for this skin condition.

Remedies for Blocked Pores

The skin on the face is very thin and has many pores containing oil glands. The accumulation of dead cells, dirt and oil in these pores can lead to clogged skin pores. Though unsightly in appearance, this skin problem can be resolved by following some remedies and a proper skin care regimen.
  • One of the most important things to get rid of blocked pores is to cleanse your face everyday. Use a cleanser twice a day, in the morning and at night before going to bed. This will ensure that your skin is free of makeup, debris and sweat that can lead to clogged pores. There are many types of cleansers available in the market that suit your skin type.
  • Use a facial scrub to exfoliate your skin twice a week. Skin exfoliation is a method to remove the dead cells and dirt from the surface of the skin. Exfoliating your skin also helps in removing other impurities like sweat, dirt and dust from the skin's surface. Regular exfoliation will give your skin a softer feel, a cleaner and radiant look.
  • Your skin needs moisture regularly. Drink lots of water and include fruits and vegetables that have a high water content, in your diet. You can also use a water-based moisturizer instead of an oil-based one, as the latter can only aggravate the condition. Regular application will keep your skin hydrated throughout the day.
  • Using a face toner or astringent is also beneficial, as it helps in preventing clogged pores. Regular use of the toner will yield the desired result.
  • Another way to clear clogging in pores is the steaming process. When steam passes through the skin, it causes the skin to sweat, thus unclogging the pores.
  • You can also use a specially designed deep cleansing facial mask to clean pores. There are two types of masks, one is 'rinse off' and the other is 'peel off'. Use of any of these masks is effective to clear blockage in pores and promote a healthier skin.
  • If all these methods don't work, pay a visit to a dermatologist who may assess your skin type and give you an appropriate treatment. The doctor may prescribe treatments like creams or use a chemical peel to unclog the pores.
It is advisable to limit the use of cosmetics and other beauty products, which may result in clogged skin pores. So in order to get rid of clogged pores and keep your skin problem free, practice proper hygiene and use the right skin care products that are suitable for your skin type.