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Clear Skin Diet Tips

Saptakee Sengupta
To get flawless skin with a natural glow, you need to improvise your food habits and lifestyle. Here are some tips on what all foods to include in your diet, for a clear skin.
To get flawless skin, it's very essential to live on a healthy diet. Whatever we eat, directly affects our skin. Henceforth, the popular phrase "You are what you eat" is significant here.
It is, hence, important to know the right foods to eat to get a healthy skin, free from acne, blemishes, pimples, and pigmentation. This information shall guide you on the right track, about foods to be included regularly in your diet.

Clear Skin Diet Tips

The secret behind a clean, porcelain-like skin, is drinking plenty of water. The right combination of vitamins, minerals, fats, and proteins help the body to flush away toxins, and retain all essential elements required for a healthy skin.


Vitamins play a major role in beautifying skin, helping in anti-aging and renewal of cells. Sources of vitamin A are, carrot, sweet potatoes, winter squash, fish, whole milk, eggs, liver, and green vegetables.
Bananas, soy beans, whole grains, red meat, peanut butter, etc., are rich in vitamin B.
Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, peas, cauliflower, etc., while nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, whole grains, and avocados contain vitamin E.


Minerals like iron, calcium, zinc, and phosphorous cure skin diseases. They help to get rid of patchy skin, stretch marks, spots, dullness, and pigmentation. Iron clears dark circles.
Sea food, liver, red meat, spinach, cheese, nuts, mushrooms, apples, etc., are rich in different minerals. Hence they must form a part your diet, in order to get a clear skin.

Essential Fatty Acids

Fats, although they lead to weight gain, must form a little part of the diet, in order to maintain a glowing skin. Omega 3 fatty acids are vital for skin. Cereals, soy bean, tuna, nuts, salmon, vegetable oils, and prawns render visible radiance to skin.


These are one of the most important constituents of a clear skin diet. They play a key role in flushing out toxins from body, thereby making skin free from any eruptions and infections. They also retain elasticity of skin, making it look younger.
Berries, chestnuts, broccoli, black grapes, raisins, papaya, peas, tomatoes, etc., have antioxidant properties in them. Selenium eliminates free radicals from body, and renders clear skin.
Plan healthy foods chart according to your skin type. Exclude fast foods, junk foods, aerated and sweetened drinks completely. Include vegetables, fruits and plenty of water in your diet.
Keep your skin clean and moisturized. You can also engage yourself into a complete skincare regimen for improving its texture. Adequate sleep and exercise improves blood circulation which in turn enhances quality of skin and health, both.
Avoid stress, and lead a healthy lifestyle full of mirth and joy. Let's hope that you can feel the difference in your skin with these tips. Let your skin be as clear as crystal and as fresh as dew.
Disclaimer: This content is for informative purposes only, and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.