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Home Chemical Peel Kits

Puja Lalwani
While also performed professionally, chemical peels offer similar benefits and results when performed at home. In fact, home chemical peels are more cost-efficient. The following story provides information about how to choose a chemical peel for your skin type.
The latest rage in the world of beauty and skin care are chemical peels. They offer a variety of benefits to the skin, including the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, skin discoloration, acne scar removal, and general improvement in the skin tone.
These chemical peels may be performed professionally, or by means of kits at home. The former is a more expensive option, but choosing to perform a home chemical peel has its own pros and cons. Let's take a look at how you can use this new product in the market to your benefit.

Choosing Home Chemical Peel Kits

Apart from the cost, the difference between performing a chemical peel at home and having it done professionally is its effectiveness. The ingredients in the kits available for this purpose are milder, and may not provide you with the same effects as a professional job.
This however, does not mean that they are ineffective. To perform a chemical peel at home, kits come with several safety precautions for their use.
However, it is a good idea to consult a doctor before you opt for this procedure at home, as he will be in a better position to guide you regarding the exact product to purchase, and whether or not you can expect any results from this product.
The ingredients in chemical peel kits are basically acids, and while most of them are mild in nature, it is possible that you may pick up one that is slightly stronger. If these acids react adversely with your skin, they may worsen your skin condition rather than repairing it.
Therefore, it is a good idea to speak to a doctor or a skin care expert before you choose this kit. Further, keeping your skin type in mind is important. Based on the type, there are different types of home chemical peel kits available.
  • For First Timers: The prime ingredient in these kit is lactic acid, extracted from milk. It is a mild kit that clears out the skin on the surface, but does not address more deep-seated problems.
Those looking only for a fresh look and are new to the world of chemical peels may choose this peel. Another type of kit that known as a non-enzyme kit is also suitable for this purpose. It basically peels of the surface layer of the skin, to give you a cleaner, fresher, and radiant look.
  • For a Slightly Stronger Effect: A kit that provides a stronger effect than the lactic acid kit, is the glycolic acid kit. While being safe for all skin types, this peel penetrates the deeper layers of the skin to cleanse and exfoliate it, and give you a refreshed look.
  • For Acne Prone Skin: Those who have oily and acne-prone skin, may use the Jessner's type chemical peel. This peel works to reduce the oiliness of the skin, and thereby, the acne breakouts. Designed specifically for oily skin, those with other skin types should avoid using it.
  • For Deep Pore Cleansing: Those prone to develop whiteheads, blackheads, or acne may use the salicylic acid kit. Also formulated for oily skin, this chemical peel is slightly milder than the Jessner's type.
  • For Wrinkles and Fine Lines: If you are looking to get wrinkle-free skin, along with reducing skin discoloration, you may opt for the Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) kit. Unlike other chemical peels, this peel can be used by those who have dark-colored skin.
  • It does not have any bleaching properties, but works as a peel to remove the layer of discoloration and make the skin appear lighter. It is also one of the best chemical peels for acne scars.
While you may find a lot of positive and negative reviews online, it is better to speak to specialist before using it. Also, make sure that you follow the instructions exactly as they are on the kit, or it may lead to undesirable results.
The peels may have certain side effects on the skin such as redness and slight skin irritation. Also, you may also find your skin peeling for a few days before you can see its effect. However, do not take chances with your skin by drastically altering your facial skin care regime, and always consult a dermatologist before choosing any skin treatment.