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Bumps After Waxing

Kalpana Kumari
Many people tend to develop bumps after waxing. These usually disappear after 2-3 days of waxing. However, the same can be avoided and treated fast with some easy-to-use home remedies. Read the following post to learn about them.
While searching for information on waxing for hair removal, you might have come to know that it is quite painful, and might result in some undesirable skin conditions. This is true to some extent. The common side effects of waxing are pain, ingrown hair, dryness, skin irritation, bleeding, and skin bumps. Waxing involves ripping the hair straight out of the follicle. This may or may not result in bleeding. The area of the skin that underwent waxing may develop soreness for the first 1-2 days.

Red Bumps Post Waxing

In case of sensitive skin, red bumps may occur, that might last for as long as 3-5 days. During this period, the affected area of skin is quite prone to infection. The occurrence of bacterial or fungal infection can make its condition even worse.
Waxing can surely produce many adverse effects, but the percentage of such sufferers is quite low. Not many women have to bear the aforementioned negative effects. Usually, all such ill effects get resolved on their own within a couple of days, without further worsening of the skin condition.
Also, waxing is painful, but the pain is surely within the limits of tolerance. However, if you have a sensitive skin, and you fear that you may develop bumps on skin after waxing, you can try some preventive or treatment measures for it.


  • Around 1-2 days before and during menstruation, or during pregnancy, your skin becomes more sensitive, and is quite susceptible to cuts and bruises. Thus, it is better to avoid waxing under such conditions.
  • In case, you are on medicines such as accutane and Retin A, you should avoid waxing. This is because, these drugs tend to increase the risk of lifting-off of the skin. You need to stop taking accutane and Retin A for at least 6 and 2 months respectively to wax your skin safely.
  • Skin exfoliation also tends to increase the risk of lift-off of the skin. Therefore, you should avoid waxing on the day you have exfoliated the upper layers of your skin.
  • Take a non-prescription pain killer and antihistamine half an hour prior to waxing. This will lessen the chances of pain and swelling
  • When you panic,your hair follicles contract.Shrunk or contracted hair follicles are more susceptible to damage.Therefore,try to keep yourself calm and relaxed.This will help you in preventing yourself from negative aftereffects
  • Removal of coarse hair from their follicles often result in bleeding. It is quite normal, so don't worry. You may try rubbing ice cubes to get some comfort.
  • Many beauty salons apply an after-wax lotion to reduce the discomfort and pain. Make sure that the lotion does not contain mineral oils, as they clog skin pores, resulting in acne breakouts. If possible, apply grape seed oil instead.

Getting Rid of Red Bumps

  • Wash the waxed skin gently and softly. Do not use abrasive body scrubs or chemical-based body soaps, as they may irritate the affected skin even more.
  • Keep the affected body parts always covered with cotton clothes to minimize their chances of getting dirty and dusty. This will reduce the need to wash your skin frequently.
  • Stay in a cool place to avoid sweating.
  • Take non-prescription non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory painkillers to reduce pain, redness, and swelling from the waxed areas. Some examples of such medicines are Ibuprofen, acetaminophen, aspirin, or naproxen. Follow the usage directions given on their packs.
  • Immediately after getting your skin waxed, dip a cotton ball in witch hazel, and rub it on. It is a topical liquid that produces a soothing effect, and reduces irritation and inflammation on the skin. For better results, apply aloe vera gel after rinsing off witch hazel.
  • Use a quality moisturizing lotion for sensitive skin to keep the waxed skin hydrated. This will speed up the natural process of healing of reddened and swollen skin.
  • You may use a cold compress to get some relief from pain, skin irritation, and inflammation.
  • Take a warm shower for the next 3-4 days. This will produce a soothing and comforting effect on the waxed skin. Make sure that the water is warm, and not hot, or you will end up with other skin complications, like burns.
  • Always wear a sunscreen lotion before going out. This is necessary to protect the waxed skin, as its sensitivity to sunlight has been increased to some extent by exfoliation.
In spite of all theseside effects of waxing, majority of women consider waxing as the best bet. This is because, it enables you to enjoy smoothness, softness, and freshness, along with a hair-free skin for a time period longer than other methods of hair removal like shaving and depilatory creams.
In addition to this, waxing on a regular basis tends to retard the rate of hair growth over a period of time. It means that waxing gradually works to impart a skin that is naturally free from hair, or has less hair. All you need to do is follow the precautionary tips to cross out the possibility of an occurrence of swollen, red bumps.
Disclaimer: This story is solely for informative purpose and not intended to replace the advice of medical experts.