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Best Essential Oils for Hair

Ujwal Deshmukh
Essential oils have been used since a long time for hair growth and hair care. The best part about using these oils is that they are natural and exhibit no side effects.
Hair problems are one of the most common issues faced by people who are frequently exposed to pollution, dust and unhealthy eating habits. Many opt for expensive shampoos, soaps and lotions to get rid of this problem. Some of them work, some don't, while some lead to side effects.
So what could be the best solution for hair care? The answer is essential oils! They are believed to be the most effective as well as safest hair care products as they promote hair growth and hair nourishment. In fact, some experts say, that your hair would grow at a faster rate than usual with the use of essential oils.

Essential Oils for Hair Loss

Hair loss is more common than any other problems pertaining to hair.
It's main causesĀ are: prolonged illness, nutritional deficiency and fungal infections.

Lavender Essential Oil

This essential oil is effective for hair loss prevention. A regular massage to the scalp for about a week's time results in hair regrowth. Lavender oil can be used independently or can be combined with some other good oil for better results.

Burdock Essential Oil

This has the same effects as the lavender essential oil has. Burdock essential oil also stimulates hair growth by improving the blood circulation towards the scalp and by rejuvenating the hair cells.

Jojoba Essential Oil

This is one of the widely recommended and the best oils to stop hair loss caused due to weak and damaged hair. You can apply this oil to dry hair regularly and keep it for about 30-35 minutes to obtain the desired results.

Essential Oils for Dry Hair

Many people suffer from the problem of dry hair. The possible reasons for dry hair are malnutrition, excessive use of shampoos, lotions and dry weather. There are many essential oils which prevent hair from becoming dry and keep your hair shining for a long time.

Olive Essential Oil

Application of olive oil with some other perfumed essential oils is found to be a very effective treatment to cure dry hair issues and also promotes hair growth. Just apply some oil on the scalp and keep it for about 30 minutes. This will help nourish the hair.

Basil and Peppermint Essential Oils

Basil and peppermint are excellent for hair nourishment. The reason behind this is that both help in improving blood circulation towards the root of the hair and thus help in hair growth and nourishment of dry hair.

Essential Oils for Dandruff

Improper hair care, pollution  and dust settlement on hair, mainly cause dandruff. Dandruff is often mistaken as a hair issue whereas it is actually a scalp problem. Your scalp develops dandruff continuously which leads to frequent itching in head. Excessive dandruff can further lead to hair loss and hair breakage as dandruff tends to weaken the hair roots.

Bay Essential Oil

Dandruff reduces greatly if mixture of bay essential oi, olive oil with a carrier oil is massaged on the scalp. Keep oil on the scalp for around 15-20 minutes and wash it off with shampoo with 2-3 drops of essential oil. Regular use prevents dandruff for a long time.

Tea Tree Essential Oil

Well, here's another good option, the tea tree essential oil.
Tea tree is a multipurpose oil, as it leads to hair growth, nourishment of hair and also cleans the dandruff. If you are facing excessive dandruff problems, some drops of tea tree oil with a few drops of olive oil can alleviate the dandruff problem.
For information on some more essential oils for hair, you can see your local dermatologist. With this you will be able to determine the best essential oil suitable for your hair and also get some useful tips on hair care.