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Benefits of Turmeric for Skin

Hemangi Harankhedkar
Turmeric helps maintaining good skin, cures cough, and boosts immunity. The benefits of this magic spice are plenty! This information delves deeper to find the benefits of turmeric, specially for skin.
Turmeric, the popular spice used in Asian countries, has a rich history, which exudes its health benefits. Scientifically known as Curcuma longa, this spice is derived by grinding the leaves of the Curcuma Longa plant. Turmeric is rightly called a boon for mankind due its immense healing properties.
Since centuries, it has been used to treat problems as common and minor as a cough and cold, to complex problems like Alzheimer's disease. 'Curcumin' is the chief ingredient of turmeric that possesses the healing properties. This spice is blessed with antimicrobial, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Take a quick look at the benefits of this wonder spice.
  • It is a natural antiseptic, and applying it on minor cuts and burns helps in faster healing of wounds.
  • It is said to possess anti-cancer properties.
  • It helps in detoxifying the harmful chemicals and toxins from the body.
  • It is said to play a role in preventing leukemia.
  • If included daily in the diet, it helps in improving immunity and keeps the body free from diseases.
  • It delays the aging process by helping cell growth and rejuvenation.
  • It boosts metabolism and thus helps in weight management.
  • It possesses amazing anti-inflammatory properties, and is a natural cure for rheumatoid arthritis.
Lots of people are worried about various skin problems, and turmeric is the perfect solution for all skin problems. A more detailed discussion follows next, that summarizes the cosmetic benefits of turmeric powder.

How Turmeric Helps the Skin

Stress, pollution, and bad eating habits, have all affected the skin in a negative way. Acne, marks and age spots have all become so common. People often resort to using commercial products, cosmetic procedures, or heavy makeup, to hide these marks on the facial skin.
But the products give only outer and temporarily beauty. For naturally beautiful skin, one should prefer natural skin care remedies. And turmeric is a must-have ingredient in a natural skin care regime.
For skin benefits, turmeric can be used both internally and topically.

Acne: Acne is a universal problem people face. The bacteria and dirt gets clogged in the skin pores, and breaks out in the form of pimples. Turmeric helps cure acne and helps maintain clear skin. It also controls acne causing sebum, leading to reduction in pimples.
Pigmentation: Hormonal changes, over exposure to sunlight and the body producing too much melanin, are some of the reasons that cause pigmentation on the skin. Consistent use of turmeric helps reduce pigmentation.

Bruises: Children are more prone to bruises and minor cuts. Just applying turmeric powder on such minor cuts helps in faster healing of the wounds.
Glowing Skin: Regular use of turmeric brightens the skin tone, and gives a glow to the face.
Burn marks: Turmeric also helps in faster healing and lightening of burn marks.

Stretch Marks: Stretch marks especially bother young mothers. Application of turmeric on fresh stretch marks will help lighten the stretch marks to a considerable extent.
Moisturizes: Turmeric is an excellent ingredient to help fight dry skin. Apply it with milk to moisturize dry skin.

Clear skin: A massage of turmeric mixed with milk cream on the skin helps reduce hair on the skin.
Skin Diseases: Consistent use of turmeric may help in fighting serious skin disorders like psoriasis, eczema, red rashes on the skin, and marks due to chickenpox and smallpox.

Aging: Last but not the least. Turmeric helps delay aging; the antioxidants in it play a key role in fighting aging.

How to Use It for Skin

There are many turmeric based medications that you can use. You can add one teaspoon each of turmeric and sugar in hot milk, stir it well, and then gulp it down. Drinking this milk everyday will keep all the skin problems at bay.
Externally, the best way to use turmeric is making a paste. The recipe is easy - blend turmeric with chickpeas flour, and water. Take an appropriate proportion of turmeric and chickpeas flour (turmeric should be one quarter of chickpeas flour), and add water to form a thick paste.
Apply the paste all over the affected skin area, and let it remain for at least 10 minutes. Rub it off the face gently and then splash some water on the face. You would experience a supple and soft skin.
For dry skin, use the same procedure, but, instead of water use milk or milk cream. To get rid of sun burns and tanning on the skin, use the same procedure mentioned here, just rub off the paste from the skin when it is semi-liquid. A simple application of dry turmeric powder on fresh cuts and bruises helps in faster healing.
Turmeric is rightly called 'spice of life'! We have just listed the turmeric benefits for skin. This wonder spice has many other benefits, the most important one being the role it plays in boosting immunity. This spice is a must-have ingredient in all the Indian dishes, and taking it through food is the best way to harness its benefits.