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Benefits of Lemon Juice for Hair

Rohini Mohan
Lemon juice is excellent for promoting hair growth and fighting scalp infections. Being renowned for its antifungal and antibacterial properties, it would be wise to use lemon juice for the hair and scalp.
It so happens that often, we tend to eat foods that usually do not offer substantial vitamins and minerals, which results in overall deficiency within the body. The state of an individual's hair can tell a lot about how well nourished and healthy that person really is.
There are many natural ingredients which can be used for promoting hair growth and for regaining essential health. Lemon being one such fruit, its juice is a rich source of vitamin B, C and phosphorus, which provides essential nourishment to hair follicles and helps heal damage.

Benefits of Lemon on Hair

  • Lemon juice helps fight against dandruff and it helps prevent its recurrence.
  • The juice helps strengthen hair roots.
  • It helps reduce excessive sebum secretion which makes the scalp oily and causes the follicles to get clogged.
  • It stimulates the scalp and promotes hair growth.
  • It conditions the hair and makes it soft.
  • It is also used for lightening the hair and used as a natural bleach.
  • It strengthens the hair and makes it more resistant to breakage.
  • It makes the hair shinier and thicker.
  • It helps fight scalp infections and kill germs.
  • It reduces the after effects from the use of chemical hair products and the damage caused due to pollution.

Lemon Juice for Hair Growth

Lemon can either be used alone or it can be mixed with other natural ingredients so as to supplement the overall nourishment being topically offered to the hair. Here are some of the concoctions that you can try so as to make your hair healthier.

Lemon Juice and Lemon Peel

You may need either half a lemon or a full one depending on the length of your hair. You need to do is squeeze the lemon and apply it all over your hair from the roots until the hair tips. After which, you should take the lemon skin and rub the inner surface on the scalp. This will increase the circulation and will help the pores to absorb the juice faster.
Let the juice remain for 1 hour after which you must wash it with cold running water. If you lighten hair with lemon juice, simply follow the given procedure and then let the hair dry in sunlight. This will cause the hair to get lighter, you may even use the juice on specific hair strands so as to create natural hair highlights.

Lemon and Henna

This remedy must not be used by people who have light-colored hair as it will cause the hair to catch the reddish-brown color of the herb. It can be used by people who have hair color that varies between brown, black and burgundy.
You will need to take a big bowl. Now add a cup of henna in the bowl and then add 2 tablespoons of yogurt to the powder. Do not mix water to this concoction, instead add a cup of unsweetened black tea to the yogurt and henna paste. Now squeeze one whole lemon into the bowl and mix the pate thoroughly.
Allow this paste to remain overnight, if you lack the time then you may let it stay for 2-3 hours. As and when you are ready to apply it on your hair, add one whole egg to the concoction. You should oil your hair thoroughly before you apply henna, if not your hair will catch the reddish color.
Apply the paste evenly to your hair, by spreading it from the roots to the hair tips. Let this hair pack remain for 2 hours, after which you must wash it under running water. Do not use any shampoo or other cosmetic hair wash products to wash off the henna.
After you have washed the hair clean of the pack, apply a thin coat of oil evenly over the hair and scalp once again. You may wash your hair again the next day using a shampoo. This hair pack helps promote hair growth and conditions the hair by making it soft and strong. Apply this paste every 3 weeks for best results.

Lemon and Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with some lemon juice and apply all evenly on your scalp and your entire hair. Apple cider vinegar is in itself extremely rich in vitamins and minerals and is excellent for cleansing the scalp and for hair growth.
When apple cider vinegar mixed with lemon, the nutritional value rises many fold and is thus excellent for hair growth, strengthening, and general health.

Coconut Water and Lemon Juice

Fresh coconut water is very rich in nutrients and is an excellent conditioner. You may add the juice of a whole lemon to one whole cup of coconut water and then apply to your hair. Let this remain for 1 hour or so and then wash under running water. Make sure you wash your hair properly, because coconut water can make the hair sticky.

Lemon, Egg and Yogurt

You may mix the juice of an entire lemon with the 2 tablespoons of yogurt and one whole raw egg. Make a thick paste and then apply evenly all over the scalp and hair. Allow it to dry completely, after which you may wash it off using a mild shampoo. Oil your hair a bit after washing your hair, if you feel your hair is looking a bit too dry.
These were some of the recipes of using lemon juice in hair, which you can try at home so as to increase your hair growth and promote its general well-being. However, some people may not be able to tolerate the stinging sensation of lemon juice on their skin, which is why it's preferable to mix it with some yogurt.