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Benefits of Jojoba Oil for Acne

Rujuta Borkar
Jojoba oil has been proven to be a very effective treatment option for acne and acne scars. In this following post, we shall learn a little more about the same, and understand how to go about using it and how it works in carrying forth a solution...
I know what you're thinking. Oil for acne? Seriously? Like there isn't already enough oil that I have to add more...voluntarily. Not happening. But hear me out..umm read me out. Jojoba oil is not what you're picturing it to be.
It is one of the safest ingredients that you can use for promoting the well-being of your skin and get rid of the several niggling skin conditions and disorders that plague it. And the reason for which you logged on here - acne.
Yes, yes, it will deal with that as well. How and why? Let's get to the details of the same in the following section, and understand the varied benefits of jojoba oil for acne.

How it Helps

Jojoba Ester

Why is jojoba oil touted to be one of the best products that can tackle the problem of acne effectively well? The answer is in the simple fact that jojoba oil (Jojoba ester) gathered from the Simmondsia chinenis tree, has a similar texture, consistency, and nature as that of the human sebum (the oil that the sebaceous glands produce).
But why is this factor even important? That's because that is exactly the reason why it helps with the acne. Jojoba oil is known to trick the skin into feeling that there is already an excess of sebum being produced and therefore it stops producing more sebum and balances the oil.
Oily skin is more prone to developing acne, so when there is less sebum produced, it automatically prevents the development of acne and other skin disorders.

Non-Comedogenic Properties

Another way in which jojoba oil is known to prevent and treat the growth of acne is due to the fact that it is non-comedogenic in nature. Simply put, this means that it does not block the pores like some other products do.
When the skin pores are blocked, it leads to the skin not being able to breathe well enough as well as in the accumulation of dirt and sebum in the pores which leads to more acne. Since jojoba oil does not block the pores and gets soaked into the skin really fast and effectively, it does not lead to acne.

Antioxidants Induced

It's not just the acne that jojoba oil helps with, it also helps with the acne scars as well as other skin problems like wrinkles and fine lines. How? Jojoba oil is a very effective moisturizer that is known to get soaked into the skin really fast without leading to an oily layer on the skin.
Along with that it does not evaporate from the skin surface like most moisturizers do. In this way it lasts longer to be able to expend its benefits for the skin. Also, it retains all the antioxidants even after long periods and in that way helps to promote new cell growth and repair the damage that has been caused by the skin.
It is due to this quality that jojoba oil for acne scars proves to be so effective as well as is able to rid the skin of the other problems that the skin might be plagued with.

How to Use Jojoba Oil for Acne

Now that we know the several uses of jojoba oil for the skin, we must also learn the correct method of usage of the same.

For Acne and Moisturizing

It is important to find the right balance of what works for your skin type and what doesn't. Which will only come about once you have understood the needs of your skin. To start off with, take about a drop of jojoba oil and gently rub it into the skin. When that gets soaked in, try another drop and so on till you find that your skin is sufficiently hydrated.
You can even try rubbing the area that is plagued with acne by massaging a few drops in that area and then taking a steam. This will help to get all the properties of the jojoba oil into the skin.

Acne Scars

Make a solution of jojoba oil and tree tea oil and store in a cool dry place. Every time you use this solution, dip a cotton in the bottle and then use it on the scars. This will help to clear the blemishes effectively. One can make use of pure jojoba oil on the skin as well and it'll help just as effectively.
So now that you know just what jojoba oil can do for you and how to go about making use of the same, the world will be greeted with a clear skin soon, right?