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Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair

For treating hair problems, diluted vinegar is applied directly to the hair or one can also drink it in between meals.
Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
Vinegar, a liquid yielded after fermentation, is in almost every kitchen. There are many uses of vinegar like cleaning furniture, cooking, food preservation, weed control, health application etc. No other food based liquid is as useful as vinegar. Studies say that apple cider vinegar is an effectual health tonic and is effective in natural hair treatments.

How Does Apple Cider Vinegar Benefit Your Hair?

This vinegar is made from the pulverized form of apples. This versatile liquid containing acetic acid as the base ingredient is found to have multiple vitamins, mineral salts, pectin, and many other nutrients. As far as the benefits are concerned, one can experience positive changes by including this liquid in their routine hair care regimen.

Softens Hair

All of us want shiny, soft and tangle-free manageable hair, for this apply apple cider vinegar to moist hair. Shampoo them with a reliable product, as you regularly. Apply diluted vinegar as a gentle rinse to get lustrous hair.

Treats Dandruff Problem

Instead of relying on expensive and harsh chemical-based solutions, use this vinegar in appropriate concentration to treat dandruff in the natural way. A major benefit of this vinegar for your hair and scalp treatment, is getting rid of irritating dandruff within a short time.

Helps Kill Head Lice

The benefits also include treating head lice in children. For best results, mix equal parts of tea tree oil and cider vinegar, and use the mixture as a hair-rinse solution. The combined effect of tea tree oil (possessing antiparasitic property) and acidic cider vinegar will kill head lice effectually.

Fosters Hair Growth

As aforementioned, cider vinegar contains vitamins and minerals that help maintain healthy hair. For hair, mix 2 ounces of water and cider vinegar and 5 drops of sage essential oil. Use this mixture for rinsing hair before shampooing for thicker hair growth.

Helps Treat Hair Loss

Lack of essential salts results in hair loss. Using this vinegar regularly will help in restoring the natural nutrient balance, thereby, promoting regrowth of lost hair. The effective result of this hair loss treatment can be seen within 2 months of its regular usage.

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair?

Given the importance of this vinegar's benefits for hair, several hair care products contain this liquid as one of their ingredients. If you wish to try it, make sure to purchase pure and organic cider vinegar. You can buy it from grocery stores and nutrition centers.
Here are some tips you can follow:
  • For normal healthy hair, rinse shampooed hair with this vinegar and wash thoroughly with water. Towel dry hair or use a hair dryer at low setting.
  • For treating dandruff, mix 3 teaspoons of this vinegar, 1 egg, 1 ounce olive oil, and 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Use this concoction before shampooing and leave for 20 minutes.
  • For hair growth, cover the scalp and hair with dilute cider vinegar and sage oil concoction. Consider wrapping hair with a towel for 30 minutes and then wash your hair.
  • In order to reap the benefits for hair loss treatment, drink diluted vinegar solution in between meals. Add 1 teaspoon of cider vinegar in one glass of water for the purpose.
In holistic medicine, its health benefits are scanned in depth. Most claims lack scientific proof, requiring further studies for approval. However, the benefit is, it has fewer side effects. It is said that drinking pure cider vinegar affects dental enamel, as it is an acidic solution. So, while consuming directly or applying on hair, dilute it with water.
Disclaimer: This information is for factual purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.