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Benefits of Almonds for Skin

Azmin Taraporewala
Your skin gasps for a dash of nourishment? Eat almonds! If you are looking out for one reason to munch on this healthy snack -- rest assured -- this story offers you reasons aplenty. They would serve to be an added fillip, indeed!
Your skin craves for nutrients? Eat almonds! What mommies and grannies have always said and have repeated in the most detestable burlesque. However, ancient wisdom has been a perpetual savior for the young.
Eating almonds is the best way to pack on energy. It is an essential component to make your skin glow, making it smooth and supple. Moreover, there are many different ways in which you can consume almonds.
The best way to relish them and bask in the benefits of almonds is to have them raw and have them with their skin on. You may also have it poured in the form of a creamy almond sauce on cheesecake, slice it on vermicelli or munch them raw to satiate your hunger pangs. When almonds are packed with benefits why neglect the powerhouse of well ... power!

What Almonds have in Store for Your Skin

Almonds are a rich source of flavonoids and Vitamin E. When we eat almonds without peeling off their skin, they increase the level of flavonoids and Vitamin E in the body. Flavonoids have health benefits serving to be anti-inflammatory, thereby also preventing the eruption of life-threatening tumors in the body.
Heart diseases, strokes and cancer are swept at bay if you consume a handful of almonds every day. The Vitamin E that is present in almonds is all the more effective when considered in amalgamation with flavonoids as together they fight the LDL or the bad cholesterol.
Almonds contain fats, however they are monounsaturated or good fats that are essential to the body. During winters the natural oils that almonds elicit are the ones that aid in keeping the skin moisturized. The good fats are responsible in order to provide assistance for functions such as cell division, brain development and strengthening the immune system. Almonds are also a rich source of phosphorous, zinc, folic acid, proteins and calcium.

Almond Recipes for Your Skin

Here are a few recipes that would restore that long-lost glow of your skin.

Almond Oil Face Mask

You can concoct an almond oil face mask with honey and lemon juice and use it as a moisturizing face mask about once a week. This pack when applied once in a week on the skin can absorb the goodness of almond oil, leaving it smooth, soft and supple. Also, when you consume almonds daily, you are sure to ditch your true age. It can reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and crow's-feet.

Almond Oil Massage

Almonds can help you get rid of skin allergies and flaky patches on the skin. Virgin almond oil when massaged on to the skin will aid in fighting dark patches and spots on skin.

Almond Milk Cleanser

Almond milk is also available in the market. The milk made from almonds can be used as an astringent to keep the skin looking young and radiant. The purpose of an astringent is to remove impurities that the face wash was unable to remove, giving you an even tone and a skin that you would love to wear as it is.

Almond Exfoliating Scrub

You may use almonds to formulate a homemade exfoliating scrub. Exfoliation is an important step to follow in order to maintain a skin care regimen. Exfoliators make the skin look even and aid in removing dirt from deep within the pores of the skin. You may soak some almonds overnight and grind them the next morning. You could grind them into bits and pieces or granules.
However, make sure that you don't grind them to receive almond in powdered form. When you have granules you can flake them well. Also make sure that you don't overdo the exfoliation process as this can abrade your skin and over activate the pores of your skin making it all the more oily and prone to acne. When you have the exfoliant ready, you can mix it with milk and rose-water.

Almond Oil and Dark Chocolate Mask

This is a delicious treat, not just to the skin but to the eyes as well! Detach two pieces of dark chocolate from the complete slab. Place the pieces in a small bowl. Fill up another bigger bowl with water and place it on direct flame.
Gently drop the chocolate bowl into the container filled with water. Make sure that you put off the flame and only then introduce the bowl with the chocolate pieces into the bowl of water.
As the chocolate starts to melt, with a dropper, add three to four drops of almond oil. In order to improve its texture, you may add a few drops of rose-water. This will make the paste glide on the skin surface. Leave it on for twenty minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water. Splash cool water on the face. You are ready to glow!
Apart from the skin and health benefits it provides, almonds could be added in your meals to increase the nutrient factor. Needless to say, sliced almonds, almond paste, almonds with the skin or without the skin, they add taste and a bountiful of health in every crunch. So, here I go and grab a handful of them ... and when do you plan to follow my footsteps?