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Beauty Hacks You Must Know

multazim shaikh
Several beauty tips and hacks are available to give you the best of your looks. It is important for you to know these tips and hacks. A proper and regular practice of these tips and hacks can greatly benefit you.

Mayo Mask

This mask is great for hair care and makes hair silkier. Apply mayo to your hair and let it sit for 20 minutes and wash it with shampoo. This will help to solve your problem of dry, stiff hair.

Perfect Time to Apply Perfume

When do you apply perfume? You probably apply it whenever you step out of the house. However, the best way is to apply it right after you take bath. This is sure to have a prolong effect and you smell good for a much longer time.

Dark Armpits

Tired of dark armpits? You should probably try this remedy. Cut a lemon into half and apply sugar on the juicy part. Rub this surface on your armpits. Repeat the remedy for 7 days and you will notice that the darkness of your armpits is gone.

Face Toner

Everyone loves a clear and glowing face. You too can have a great face. Cut a tomato into half and collect its juice. Add honey to it and make a paste. Apply the paste all over your face and let it stay for 20 minutes. Honey detoxifies and add glow to your face.

Finished Lipstick

You are about to use lipstick and you noticed that it is over. In that case, you can simply apply this remedy. Apply a lip balm, and on top of it, apply eye shadow on your lips. This will give you a gorgeous look.