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Beach Makeup Ideas

Aparna Jadhav
Summer is the best time to go surfing or simply hang out at the beach. With salt water and the sun, it's hard to look good at the beach. Here are some essentials for fun makeup when you're out on the sand.
Beach makeup is a great way to try some bold eyeshadow colors along with a bright and sunny lipstick color. But do make sure you have waterproof make up, since you might have to take a swim.

Ideas for Makeup

One of the best things about the beach is that it gives you the liberty to try out all the bright and sparkly colors in your eyeshadow palate that you never get to use back at home. When you're out at the beach, you can flaunt these beautiful colors all day.

Moisturizer and Sunscreen

The first thing you have to keep in mind when you go to the beach is to keep your skin away from harsh UV rays and dryness caused by the salt water.
When you're out for more than an hour, the sunlight and the salt water can dry out even the best sunscreens. Thus, make sure you apply a lot of moisturizer all over your body and then put on sunscreen. Don't test your skin to the limit, as no skin care products guarantee full protection.

Foundation and Concealer

You can apply a very thin layer of foundation before you put on the rest of the makeup, so that your skin is protected and your makeup lasts longer. Try a waterproof foundation.
If you've gotten a spray-on tan, don't apply your regular foundation as it will be too light for your skin. So the difference in shade of the face and the rest of the body will be noticeable.
If you must wear foundation, ensure that the one you're using is the same color as your tanned skin as it will make your makeup look natural. If you want to hide any dark circles or spots, use some light concealer.

Eye Makeup

For eye liner, try colors like metallic blues, violets, greens, and pinks. These colors will make your eyes pop and look very attractive.
Using brown should be avoided as it's a generic color used in everyday makeup; try something different and exciting at the beach. For eye shadow, you can use colors like gold, yellow, pink, purple, blue, and green. Metallic finishes will make your eyes sparkle in the sun. Try a transparent waterproof mascara for a natural watery look.

Lips and Cheeks

Be bold with the colors you choose for your lips. Shimmery colors in red, purple, pink, and peach look great. Make sure you do not use matte finish lipsticks, go for gloss and shine at the beach.
Try keeping your blush in simple natural colors like baby pink or bronze. Apply some matte bronzer in the hollow of your cheeks for chiseled cheek bones. Remember not to go too over the top though.
All these tips will definitely give you a stunning look for the beach and you'll be sure to have heads turning.