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Applying Olive Oil to the Face for a Glow

Aparna Jadhav
Olive oil is very often related to cooking and hair health. But it can also be applied to the face for glow. Read the post to find out the cosmetic uses of this incredible oil.
Our facial skin is prone to many harmful skin problems, such as pimples, black and whiteheads, acne, etc., which are the results of pollution, metabolic wastes, heat and usually the oil produced inside our body. It is very painful to have skin problems displayed on the face, and marks from their wounds which are extremely stubborn. Therefore, when you visit a dermatologist regarding these skin issues, he will either advice you to eat healthy and non-fattening foods, or will prescribe an anti-marks, skin cream.
But instead of using chemical products which might work faster but could have side effects on your body, why not use safe home remedies to get rid of your problems? One such effective home remedy could be olive oil, which also makes the facial skin smooth and protects it from eruptions. In the paragraphs below, you will learn more about using olive oil for face and protection of facial skin. Keep reading!

How to Make Skin Glow Using Olive Oil

Olive oil has always been a part of the skin care industry since ancient times, because of its antibacterial and healing properties. It has been used in head, face and body massages since then and has proved very effective both medically and cosmetically.
Irrespective of the type of skin you have, olive oil can heal or correct the skin problems and make it look healthier with a glow. Therefore, using olive oil for skin, along with a combination of other ingredients is a very common practice in spas and centers that follow herbal medicine.

Olive Oil for Oily Skin

  • Olive oil is a great cleanser as well as a moisturizer, thus you can use it to prevent your oily skin from acne, blemishes, blackheads and open pores. If you are wondering how to use olive oil on your face, you can try using a simple face pack recipe that includes this oil for cleaning open pores and blackheads.
For the face pack you can add 1 cup of oatmeal, ½ tablespoon of olive oil, ½ tablespoon sea salt and ½ cup sour milk in a bowl and mix it well.
  • With a spatula or your fingertips, apply the pack throughout the face till the lower neck area, making sure every part of your face is covered. Leave it for about 20 minutes without disturbing and once it is slightly dry, wipe it off with either a wet sponge or cotton.
Don't wash it off immediately, but after 5 minutes with warm water. Place a warm towel on the face and then scrub the skin once with cotton to remove the blackheads and gathered dirt from pores.

Olive Oil for Dry Skin

  • When you have dry skin, there are skin problems such as flaky and broken skin which tears easily in winters. As mentioned above, olive oil is also known to be an excellent moisturizer, thus used in a number of skin care products.
  • In the face pack for dry skin, you can add one egg yolk, ½ tablespoon olive oil and 1 tablespoon flour. Mix it well and apply as instructed above, leaving it for 20 minutes.
Since dry skin usually doesn't have open pores and pimples, there is no need for scrubbing, but if you suffer from black or whiteheads, you can use cotton to scrub lightly. Wash with warm water and place a warm towel to steam your face. You will experience soft and glowing skin immediately.

Olive Oil for Normal Skin

  • If you are not suffering from any of the above mentioned skin problems yet have wrinkled weak skin, you can try to massage your skin with a small amount of olive oil every day for about 5 to 10 minutes and then wash off with warm water.
  • However, if you wish to use face packs for your normal skin, you can add ½ cup yogurt and cucumber juice, along with ½ tablespoon olive oil and apply the mixture on the face.
Leave it for about 20 minutes and wash off with warm water. Using it once in a week can surely add that lustrous glow to your face making the skin look tighter and younger. Therefore, by applying olive oil, you will surely achieve a radiance that can fetch you many complements!
With these great tips on applying olive oil to face for glow, hope you have benefited from the information. You can use these remedies at home, at least once in a week to make your tired skin look like that of a child's.