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Aloe Vera for Hair

Bhakti Satalkar
Aloe vera is a herb that has been used by the Native Americans, Indians and people in the Caribbean, since time immemorial. It not only promotes hair growth, but also prevents hair loss.
Most of us are not aware of the fact, that aloe vera is a miraculous plant that contains many nutrients including amino acids, minerals, enzymes, vitamins, etc. Aloe vera is beneficial for the skin as well as the hair. It helps to heal the scalp and balance the pH levels.

Aloe Vera for Hair Treatment

Aloe vera is a natural hair conditioner. You can replace your store-bought conditioner with natural aloe vera extracts. This plant has certain enzymes which promote hair growth. The beneficial effect of aloe vera is evident from the fact, that there are various hair care products that contain this herb as an ingredient.
Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties, and is effective for regeneration of hair on the scalp. When used for an extended period of time, it makes the hair healthy and smooth.
Some of the hair care products contain jojoba oil, along with aloe vera. This is an effective combination for treating dry hair. According to some recent studies, aloe vera has the ability to fight hair loss.
Along with the right combination of herbal extracts, aloe vera is helpful for treating androgenic alopecia. It can also be combined with coconut milk or wheat germ oil, for added benefits.
It is believed that, aloe vera is beneficial for curbing excessive hair loss caused by seborrhea. Massage with aloe vera oil is good for increasing blood circulation to the scalp. It is also useful for relief from dryness and itching. Scalp massage with aloe vera oil is good for alleviating stress and anxiety.
Though aloe vera is considered a safe herb, you cannot rule out the possibility of side effects. Hence, it is always recommended to conduct a skin patch test before using aloe vera. If you experience a stinging sensation or develop skin rash, avoid using aloe vera on the skin or hair.
Oral use of aloe vera is not recommended for people with kidney and heart diseases. Diabetics should check their glucose levels before they drink aloe vera juice. Pregnant and nursing women must avoid intake of aloe vera.
Disclaimer: The details mentioned here are for informational purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice. Visiting your physician is the safest way to diagnose and treat any health condition.