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Almond Oil for Dry Skin

Ningthoujam Sandhyarani
Using almond oil for dry skin gives a smoothing effect and brings out the natural glow of skin. Apply almond oil to skin properly, and flaunting a good complexion is almost guaranteed.
Almond oil is a highly priced essential oil in beauty treatment, aromatherapy and culinary applications. Basically there are two forms of this essential oil - bitter type prepared from bitter almonds, and sweet type extracted from the dried kernels of sweet almond.
The former is used for culinary purposes, while a pure version of sweet almond oil serves as a carrier oil for many other curative ingredients in beauty regimen. It is beneficial for maintaining healthy skin, hair and overall health.

Benefits of Using Almond Oil for Dry Skin

A good quality almond oil is translucent with a yellowish tinge and a slight nutty aroma. But, why should we use almond oil for skin? Well, it contains some of the nourishing nutrients for skin, including vitamin E, oleic acid and linoleic acid.
It is also a storehouse for vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, D and minerals. In short, almond oil possesses antioxidant, anti-aging, moisturizing, lubricating, nourishing, softening and healing properties. By applying this nut-based oil on a regular basis, you can reap the following benefits.
  • Almond oil provides skin with healthy vitamins and nutrients, giving a flawless complexion.
  • It gets absorbed in the upper layers of the skin and makes the skin soft and smooth.
  • Using almond oil is a good remedy for combating itchiness, inflammation and rough skin.
  • When used properly, it lightens skin blemishes, dark circles, under-eye circles and stretch marks.
  • Regular application of almond oil imparts a natural glow to skin and improves complexion.
  • Sweet almond oil benefits in slowing down the skin aging process, and reducing unsightly fine line and wrinkles.

How to Use Almond Oil for Parched Skin?

The best part about almond oil is, it is excellent for use in any skin type (normal, oily, dry and sensitive skin). It seals moisture, nurtures skin and makes it soft, irrespective of whether you have dry skin or sensitive skin. So, you don't have to worry much about the adverse effects of this essential oil on face.
With so many benefits to obtain, you cannot make excuses for not using sweet almond oil for skin. Following are simple tips regarding usage of almond oil for face and remaining parts of the body.
  • For softening and moisturizing skin, use it immediately after shower. Put a few drops of almond oil in your palms and rub it over the skin evenly. Consider massaging for 5 minutes and leave it for some time.
  • If your skin is dry and sensitive at the same time, then also you can use almond oil as a natural cleanser. Simply massage face with pure sweet almond oil for a few minutes, and rinse off with lukewarm water.
  • You can use sweet almond oil for dry skin as a carrier oil. Mix a few drops of pure oil with a good quality lotion, and use it as a moisturizer. This will soothe skin irritation and itchiness.
  • Make a natural astringent for dry skin care with almond oil. Mix it with a few drops of fresh lemon juice and apply this mixture on the face. Follow the same everyday to tighten large skin pores in the nose and chin.
  • A concoction of sweet almond oil and oatmeal serves as the best remedy for acne outbreaks in dry skin, especially in winter. Use it over acne, and apply almond oil alone in the other parts. This will help in treating acne and moisturizing dull skin.
  • Lukewarm almond oil works wonders for treating brittle nails and chapped hands. Pour almond oil in an oven safe bowl, and warm slightly (not hot). Soak hands into oil for 5 - 7 minutes before going to bed.
So, aren't the ways for using sweet almond oil on dry skin easy for you? To deal with dry, cracked, painful heels, dip a cotton ball in almond oil and use it as a rub to soften the area.
Repeat this daily before going to bed, and the painful heels will improve within a few weeks. Thus, any problem related to dry and itchy skin can be alleviated with this wonder oil effectually.