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Skin Care Tips to Delay The Signs of Aging

Mamta Mule
As we age, the skin becomes less elastic due to the decreased production of collagen. Following a skin care regimen is extremely essential to prevent the visible signs of aging. Here are some tips on caring for aging skin, so as to prevent it from sagging and looking dull.
Taking care of your skin is very essential to keep away those prominent signs of aging. Wrinkles, dry skin, unwanted hair, hair loss, etc., are some signs of intrinsic aging process that starts in late 20s. If you do not start following a skin care regimen at the right time, premature signs of aging are likely to appear sooner than expected.
Prolonged exposure to sun and harsh weather conditions, smoking, stress, lack of sleep, etc., are some of the factors that might cause the skin to lose its elasticity and youthfulness. Here are some tips that you can follow to make that glowing skin last for a long time.

Tips to Follow

Protection from Sun's Ultraviolet Rays

Protecting your skin from harsh sun's rays is of utmost importance. If possible, stay indoors between 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. If you have to step outdoors, remember to use an umbrella, protective clothing, scarf, and sunglasses.
Use a sunscreen or a sun block lotion with a high SPF to protect your skin from the sun's rays.


As you get older, the skin starts becoming dry. During this time, moisturizing becomes a very essential part of skin care. Using a moisturizer soon after you have a bath will help to lock the moisture and keep your skin soft and supple.
You must apply moisturizer at least twice a day. Remember that dry skin loses it elasticity, which in turn leads to the formation of wrinkles. A moisturizer will also protect your skin from cold weather.

Diet and Exercise

It's extremely essential to follow a healthy diet that is rich in essential nutrients. One must also stay physically active. Exercising daily will help strengthen your muscles, increase circulation, and rejuvenate your skin.
You are sure to have a glowing skin if you follow the exercise routine. You can also perform facial exercises to get rid of the wrinkles naturally. These will also help tone up your face and make it look firm.

Stay Hydrated

You must drink adequate amounts of water to stay hydrated. Drinking water will help flush out the toxins from your body, and aid in digestion.

Special Care

Make sure that you cleanse and moisturize your skin daily. Skin pores can get clogged due to dust, oil, and environmental pollutants, so keeping the skin clean is very important.
Exfoliating the skin will help you get rid of the dead cells. You can also get your skin professionally cleansed every 10 to 15 days.
Also, opt for facials that are specially meant for aging skin. You can make use of anti-aging creams and other specially formulated anti-aging products. Applying a face mask once a week will also help keep your skin firm, fresh, and young. You can also opt for anti-aging supplements which are known to be effective in maintaining the texture of your skin.
Besides following an aging skin care regimen, do make lifestyle-related changes. For instance, avoid consumption of oily food/processed food, and quit smoking. Cut down on the intake of alcohol. Follow a skin care regimen religiously to slow down the aging process and get a younger-looking skin that takes years off your face.