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Home Remedies for Acne Spots

Sheetal Mandora
Acne scars are a result of popped acne that leave behind a layer of damaged skin. Read the post on how you can incorporate a few home remedies to reducing the scars and spots.
When we suffer from painful acne and its severe infections, don't we always rush to the dermatologist for a quick fix? But what most of us forget is that sometimes these blemishes and scars are a result of stress, heredity, and unhealthy choice of lifestyle.
Although, acne is a skin disorder, there are many acne spot treatments available in market. However, not many of us can afford to visit a dermatologist every time we get a zit. So what can we do to get rid of these unsightly and irritating scars on the face? There are many home remedies for acne spots which you can follow in the comforts of your home.

Remedies You Should Try

Eating at odd hours, poor food choices, not enough physical exercise, excess of starches, sugar, and fatty foods are the main causes of acne. Along with this, chronic constipation can also be blamed for the occurrence of pimples. The toxic matter gets soaked in the bloodstream, causing acne on face, because our body is trying to eliminate the excess waste.

Lemon or Lime

Take the juice of fresh lemons or limes and apply it directly over the acne scars. Use a clean cotton ball and not your fingers to do this. Your skin will soak the juice completely. Wait for about 10―15 minutes and then wash your face with lukewarm water. Lemon juice for acne spot treatment helps in lightening the darker appearance of the blemishes.

Sandalwood and Rosewater

Take sandalwood and rosewater in a bowl to mix them into a paste. Use the facial mask and apply it directly on the acne spots. Make sure you have washed your hands thoroughly before you apply the mask. Leave it on for an hour or wear it overnight. Wash your face with cool water and pat dry with soft towel. Both the ingredients in this mask give a cooling and soothing effect over the scars.

Mint Leaves

Crush handful of mint leaves in a bowl and rub the leaves and its juice over the affected area. Leave it on for 10 minutes and wash your face with cold water. This mix works wonders on painful, inflamed pimples.

Oatmeal and Honey

Take one serving of plain oatmeal and cook it in the same manner as if you were eating it. Add about ¼ cup of honey and mix the ingredients properly. Let the mixture cool down and apply generously all over your face. Leave the mask on for 15―20 minutes and then wash with lukewarm water.
Oatmeal helps absorb excess oil from the skin and exfoliates it. Honey is wonderful because it works as a skin toner.

Aloe Vera

Cut the entire aloe leaf from the plant, slit it down the middle, and let the yellow latex drain. Although, the latex is beneficial in other treatments, it is not recommended to be used for acne treatment. Use cold water to rinse the gel and apply it over the spots. Make sure the gel doesn't enter the eyes. You can store the gel in an air-tight container and refrigerate it for a week.
Disclaimer: This story is for informative purposes only. Always consult a health care provider or doctor before following any of the remedies mentioned in the article. This is because not all home remedies are clinically proven, and they may not have the same impact on everyone.