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6 Ways to Prevent Hair Loss

Richard Clayton
Having a large clump of hair come out into your hands, from your scalp is never a good thing to experience, for both men and women. Maybe it is while you are in the shower or while you are brushing or combing your hair.
Everyone has experienced it at some point. Hair loss is a major struggle for both men and women. Of course, some people are more likely to lose their hair, even by moving their fingers through the hair.
If you have a history of hair loss in your family, you might not be able to avoid it. For many people, hair loss is something you can work to prevent.
Many aspects of our daily routines can be hurting the health of our scalps and hair. To help keep your hair thick and healthy, following these six ways you can prevent hair loss.

Cut Back on Heat Styling Tools

Some of us use straighteners and curling irons on a daily basis. If you use heat styling tools, you’re already aware of the risks. You could even be dealing with the negative impacts of heat styling, like dryness and damage.
Even the most expensive protective spray won’t fully keep your hair protected from heat. Over time, this damage will build up and cause hair to start falling out.
Completely cutting out heat can be difficult, but try to go without it now and then. When you use heat styling tools, try to ensure that the heat isn’t set too high and that you aren’t holding it on your hair for too long.

Be Gentle With Hairstyles

One the days you do decide to forgo heat, you probably tie your hair up somehow. A ponytail or bun seems like an easy way to protect your hair from its normal styling treatments.
Unfortunately, it’s not always that easy. If you’re pulling your hair back tightly, this can also lead to damage and hair loss.
Ponytails or braids that pull too much on the scalp can eventually pull the hair out at the root. If your ponytails are at the same spot, the hair tie can cause hair to break off in the middle if it’s being pulled.
A wide variety of loose hairstyles can help you ensure that you aren’t unintentionally damaging your hair.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Anyone who gets their hair dyed regularly should already be aware of the damage chemicals can have on their hair. It can be tempting to go from your natural dark brown color to blonde, but this can cause more issues than it’s worth.
Bleaching your hair can almost immediately cause noticeable damage that can make your hair to fall out. If you dye your hair, try staying close to your natural color.
Chemical treatments, like straightening, can also lead to hair loss. If you do get any chemicals put in your hair, make sure you follow up with a conditioning treatment to minimize the damage.

Switch Up Your Diet

Something you might not have considered when trying to improve your hair health is the food you’re eating. Your diet can affect every part of your body, which includes even your hair. If you aren’t eating healthy foods, this would reflect in your hair too, later on.
Foods having vitamin A can help in hair growth to recover any recent hair loss. Vitamin A also keeps scalp healthy, which can prevent hair from falling, in the first place. A protein-rich diet also has the potential to prevent hair breakage.

Invest in Supplements

Diet can certainly play a role in hair loss, but sometimes you can only get so much from your diet. It’s good to try to get all your nutrients from food, but you might need an extra boost to prevent hair loss.
Look for supplements for good hair growth. Even taking a daily multivitamin can help. A few specific supplements for hair loss are vitamin D and biotin. If you think you need anything additional, you should ask your doctor for advice on the best supplements for your hair type.

Try a Professional Treatment

If you’ve tried everything, but nothing seems to work, you might have to try something stronger. There are plenty of professional treatments you can get done that will help prevent hair loss. One popular method is PRP for hair loss.
This involves platelet-rich plasma being taken from your blood to be used to stimulate hair follicles to encourage hair to grow. PRP is less expensive than some other professional treatments and has no downtime afterward.